Family, a beautiful gift.
Hi guys, it’s been quite a while, I’m sorry I left y’all hanging after forever, I have no genuine excuse. I hope you forgive me *kisses. Today I was thinking heavily about what to write, and I had no idea until I asked God to help and then, BANG!!! The inspiration fell like manna from heaven, tehehe. Anyways, I thought to write on something that means a lot to me. Guess!!! Nah you’re wrong, no more guesses. I want to talk briefly on Family. What does Family mean to you? Come to think of it, I vaguely remember it being taught as a topic in social studies in primary school, do you? My family means so much to me. Truthfully, they are not always the sweetest (they can be a real pain in the ass), but I know they’ve always got my back. They always want the best for me. You know the beautiful thing? God treasures family, he put the structure in place. The father being the head of the house and so on. Ephesians 6 verse 1-4 talks about the ...