Family, a beautiful gift.

Hi guys, it’s been quite a while, I’m sorry I left y’all hanging after forever, I have no genuine excuse. I hope you forgive me *kisses. Today I was thinking heavily about what to write, and I had no idea until I asked God to help and then, BANG!!!  The inspiration fell like manna from heaven, tehehe. Anyways, I thought to write on something that means a lot to me.   Guess!!!

Nah you’re wrong, no more guesses. I want to talk briefly on Family. What does Family mean to you? Come to think of it, I vaguely remember it being taught as a topic in social studies in primary school, do you?
My family means so much to me. Truthfully, they are not always the sweetest (they can be a real pain in the ass), but I know they’ve always got my back. They always want the best for me. You know the beautiful thing? God treasures family, he put the structure in place. The father being the head of the house and so on.
Ephesians 6 verse 1-4 talks about the duties of everyone, but it doesn’t talk about the wife, though 1Pet3 does.  Since most of us are “kids”, the first verse in Ephesians 6 speaks to us.
I hope we all learn to appreciate family because they are the first set of humans we have a duty to love, if you get what I mean. Most African fathers are on another level of annoying always demanding, we never seem to please them, but if we learn to look beyond the surface, as most of us literally dislike doing, we’ll see that they love us and care for us in a very weird way, though. I have very protective parents, and trust me, sometimes it ANNOYS me, but then, if I take a chill pill, and I calm down, and decide to look beyond the surface, I’ll see that it’s all for my good. All the “don’t do this, don’t go there’s, No’s, No’s, and No’s” are all for my good. Some people have very liberal parents, and they are also training the way they know. It’s up to God to teach them the right way, if they are willing. Lol now I’m wondering if I’m talking on parenting or family. We should learn to LOVE our families.
Some people ehn, when they “grow up” they think they have outgrown the whole family thing, once they taste the outside world, they think they’ve arrived. Look at the prodigal son for example, he thought he was a big boy, didn’t he come back to his family? One thing I know is that you can never outgrow the need for family. It’s  quite funny o, as a kid, you want to leave your family, won’t you start yours someday? In short, Family is one beautiful gift God has given us. Love your Family.


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