The Sting of Death

I hate death. So much! Ironically, it is part of life. The only encounter I have had of someone close to me dying was when my grandmother passed away. It hurt so badly. I miss her so much. 2020 has been a really rough year, from Corona Virus to people dying left, right and centre. For every time a death has been confirmed, I am in total shock. I hurt for the lives they could have had and I hurt for their loved ones. No one can fill the void that would be left. Absolutely no one, because there's just one of them. For some reason, I always grieve alongside with them, because why should the life of someone that's so loved just be cut off? It seems so very unfair, yet it is 'fair' in a skewed way, because we all must die. Death causes so much pain, and I know it's selfish of me to say, but I don't want any of my loved ones to die. If the death of someone I never knew shakes me this much, I don't want to experience the death of another loved one. I als...