The Sting of Death

I hate death. So much! Ironically, it is part of life.

The only encounter I have had of someone close to me dying was when my grandmother passed away. It hurt so badly. I miss her so much.

2020 has been a really rough year, from Corona Virus to people dying left, right and centre.

For every time a death has been confirmed, I am in total shock. I hurt for the lives they could have had and I hurt for their loved ones. No one can fill the void that would be left. Absolutely no one, because there's just one of them.

For some reason, I always grieve alongside with them, because why should the life of someone that's so loved just be cut off? It seems so very unfair, yet it is 'fair' in a skewed way, because we all must die.

Death causes so much pain, and I know it's selfish of me to say, but I don't want any of my loved ones to die. If the death of someone I never knew shakes me this much, I don't want to experience the death of another loved one.

I also don't want to die yet, I want to live a long life with my partner and enjoy my family.

Really though, as much as we all want to make money and chase our wildest dreams, I think what matters the most while we are alive is to experience the feeling of loving and being loved.

What is living without love? 

How do you feel about death? Please let me know in the comments:)

Much Love,


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