Don't rob us of your uniqueness!

Hello everyone, good day, so sorry I couldn't post anything yesterday. Lol it's so very weird posting on a Sunday. So how was church today? And if you didn't go, I hope you rested well, and still had time for God.

Before I start, let me say that all these things I write and talk about also apply to me. I'm not one little miss perfect that gets everything right. I'm just a young girl who loves God a whole lot and decides to share with youths the things she's learning.

Yup yup, so I'll just go straight into what I'll talk about today, which is about embracing our uniqueness. Yaayy!!

I guess we all know the meaning of uniqueness right? Mhm.

There was a day I was thinking, and I just thought, (like it just dropped!!) there's only one MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS OLUWASEYITAN on this planet!!!! I couldn't believe it. It's not only about the names. Nobody on this planet has my finger prints, I even think we all have different genes. Does anyone even have all my mannerisms, plus the way I think, talk, my voice, everything all together makes me very different from anybody, which tells me that I AM SPECIAL. Gosh!!! I really am special. That's something very beautiful to keep me going.

Yeah so, we all are very special people. Now I have a big question. Why do we want to be like the next person (I'm not saying we can't be inspired by people o)  but people really want to be like other people so bad.

Look, I think it's very unfair. Why do you want to rob the world of someone special and unique. Just why? Why do you want to make another copy of that person, we've seen what he or she wants to offer, and you don't want us to the beautiful stuff you're made of? Not cool. You just made the world short of a uniquely designed person (abi is it that God didn't know what he was doing when he created you?  Of course he knew!!)

We know that you're not perfect (heck!! Nobody's perfect) that other person isn't perfect, so why not just stick with your imperfection, love your imperfection.  God loves you just the way you are. BTW, you're even perfect for someone. You. Yes you, are all someone is praying for.

Some people don't like some parts of their bodies,  they want it to be like someone else's, or they think it doesn't suit them. Girrrrl!!!  Boyyy!! Wake up, you're amazing just the way you are ( lol you know what I did there eh?)

Personally, I don't really like like my feet plus legs, but what can I do?  I'm stuck with them for as long as I live on this planet. I have to try to love them! In fact, I'm starting to kinda like them.

Please, if someone doesn't love you for who you are, and wants you to be different (different in the sense that (s)he wants you to change your personality, not the different where (s)he wants to help you become a better version of yourself), ah! Me, I dunno what to say o, maybe you should just, you know, click the unfriend button in your head and just let go.

Just love yourself. Please, if you don't, tell me, who, will love you the way you can love you? (okay, God,  but you get me sha)

*abi means "or"
*sha means *scratcheshead* I think it means "though"

I Love you all. Thanks for reading.


  1. Lol. This is my first time of visiting your blog. Beautiful piece.

    1. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, much love.

  2. Replies
    1. Awwwn so touching. Should I disclose our relationship here๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ


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