Yeah, you've probably heard that Yoruba phrase countless times.

My dad's a teacher/preacher lol I dunno which ( he said he'll explain it to me fully later), but sha the public calls him "pastor"  which automatically means that I'm an "omo pastor".

Now, it's not that I don't like that my dad is a pastor, I'm cool with it, but what I don't like is that I'm tagged "omo pastor". Why's it that the doctor's child isn't called "omo doctor" or the engineer's child "omo engineer ". I'll tell you why I don't like it. Not only for me, but for the other "omo pastors", but first, I'd like to tell you that it's the pastors God called, not the children.

You must have heard people say that  pastors children are worse than other kids. I don't believe it. I'm not saying I'm a saint or anything, I'm far from that, but do you know why it would seem as though the pastor's kids are worse?  It's because people expect too much from them. They expect them not to steal,  they expect them not to be caught lying (I'm not saying these things are good o, of course they're not right, but they are things the flesh wants.)

If I'm caught kissing a boy for example, why should I have it worse than the doctor's child who kissed a boy and got caught as well? Our peers would most likely say in hushed tones " and that Lois, omo pastor deni o" (and that Lois, she's a pastor's kid o) so, because I'm a pastor's kid I should have special trouble for being human?

We're both Christians, I don't think one should have it worse than the other. Why can't they say "see both of them and they're God's children o" if they have to say anything at all.  The same standard should be applied.

It's important to remember that the person is human first before he's a pastor's child
The person is a teen first before she's a pastor's child, and so, because he or she does things that a typical teenager does makes him a bad "omo pastor"

There was one time I was having fellowship with a family, I was asked to quote a scripture, but I didn't know it, next thing I heard " Omo pastor deni e" (and you're a pastor's child). I wish you could see the look on my face right now. So, because my father is a pastor means I should know all the scriptures in the Bible Yeah? I shouldn't be judged by what my dad is. If I am to be judged at all, know me first.

Another time I was in a meeting, someone asked a question, then another person said "oya omo pastor answer it."  Egbami!!  When did I become the pastor?  And you know, it was quite hurtful, because I didn't know what to say, and if I even said what I had in mind, it might not have been enough for them because they judged me by their weird standards.

I've heard of pastor's kids doing stuff their parents don't know about, well, how'll they know? When their parents themselves SUBTLY pressure their children. I believe that as a pastor, you should let your child express his/her individuality, then help him or her grow.

So if you see a pastor's kid that's pregnant, don't overly blame the child. You most likely overlooked the small signs and thought that because she's a pastor's child,  she should know it all.

It's all unnecessary pressure we don't need. I'm Lois first, before I'm a pastor's child. Being a pastor's child doesn't define who I am, it'll definitely help me in life (the things my dad passes on to me) but it doesn't define me.  So if  you see me as "that pastor's kid", I'm sorry, you don't know me.

* Omo pastor * means pastor's Kid
* Egbami*  is an exclamation

I Love you all, thanks for reading. Muahh😘😘


  1. Hi guys, I'm sorry I take so long in replying comments, there's some kind of problem ni, but I'll reply as soon as I see your comments. Love you muchos.

  2. Well u can't blame them. The pastors dish out the word. Also, there are unnecessary standards set for pastors e.g pastors shouldn't laugh too much. Pastors shouldn't be stylish. However some pastors cause the issue themselves, acting holier than Christ


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