Hi guyss, I feel sooo sleepy and lazy to write, but I have toooo, I hope y'all are good though and had a fab week? Hope you enjoyed black Friday? (of course, see your face😁).

So going ahead to today's topic. It's a topic most of us battle with, okay, lemme say many not most.  It's peer pressure. It'll be long o😘.

Somehow, it affects people from different age groups.

When I was a kid, there was one particular kind of shoe all the big rich girls had, how I wanted this shoe so badly, not for any reason other than the fact that it was the in thing, but I couldn't even tell my mom cos I knew she couldn't afford it, so I just had to let the pressure get off my chest. I'm sure that of we were rich ehn, I would have disturbed my mom's life. That's that.

As a teenager, all your girlfriends are talking about the boyfriends they have, and they constantly talk about their make out sessions, then you think silently "Oh God! I want a boyfriend so bad, I feel so left out, these things my friends talk about seem so amazing!" *some weeks later* "yes!!!  I finally got the boyfriend, my parents dunno about the guy, but I enjoy the make out sessions like crazy, like, I've never felt this way before. "  From makeouts to touching, from touching to sex! Then you go "Oh my God!!! how did it happen, I didn't want to get this farr?"

Even if it doesn't lead to sex, even if you guys didn't touch each other, even if it just stops at having the boyfriend, it was all caused by peer pressure. You wanting to be like the rest.

Now guys, I'm older, we're older, let's be honest. Are we still troubled by this peer pressure thingy? Well, me, I think that there might be temptations still, but we can choose to rise above those temptations (Lol I feel like a pastor with that). Lemme give you an example.

My school, Obafemi Awolowo University is very blessed, my department is a lot more blessed.  Anyways, I finished my dissertation since err June, yeah early June, and normally I should be serving my Nation now, but that's not going to be possible, for various reasons, whereas, all my mates (this phrase sha) in different schools have started their service year. Like I started uni before some sef.

One thing I'm trying to learn (I'm learning soo many things) is that I am a different person, I AM NOT MY MATES.  If I keep living by ALL MY MATES ARE... I'll never come to appreciate the place I am in life.

If I learn to see things this way, it'll be good for me, because different scenarios will definitely occur
MY MATES might get married before me, and I'll be like "when's my turn? "
MY MATES might be owners of  companies, and I might be an employee
MY MATES might have kids before me and I'll start worrying, wondering when mine would come and might go to extreme measures to make all these happen.
The Bible says those who compare themselves with themselves are fools. I don't think I want to be a fool. Did I just say think?  No!  I'm very certain I don't want to be a fool.

How many of you remember the story of Daniel when he stood out by eating veggies when every other person was eating the finest meals on this planet, he didn't let that sway him, he stood his ground.

Stand your ground friend.

I am different, I am unique, my path is different from the next person's and I'll embrace it, chill and see what God is doing with me!!

Can I hear an Ameeennnn?!!!

Thanks for reading guys, much love


  1. "If I keep living by ALL MY MATES ARE... I'll never come to appreciate the place I am in life." �� This is apt. Thank you,Fifehan.

    PS: the post is not that long and it was worthwhile.

    1. Thanks for reading dear
      LOL, I thought it was quit long o


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