Very Fake Virtual World

Hi guys,  how have we all been?
Yeah, so, I really don't have much to say. I'm sooo sorry.  And I'm also sorry this is coming in really late. 😘

Yeah, so today, I'll say something short on the way we use Social media. Kilodeeee?? !!!!  Mind you, I'm talking to myself as well.  But damn! The rate at which we (youths majorly) use social media is quite alarming. Almost everyone is always on their phones (looking at other people that'll never affect their lives in any way).

I'll use myself as an illustration, so it won't be as though I'm pointing fingers. The amount of time I spend on Instagram (because it's the only cool app I know how to use) is just UNHEALTHY. I think I have an excuse though, I'm always at home and there's always no one to talk to😖, so in a bid to keep me a little sane, I just check out funny videos (that make me laugh insanely), pictures of celebs and other people who (btw,I stalk a lot, so be warned) don't have anything to do with me in this life and the next next next life lol. Okay, that's no excuse still, because I could invest my time in something a little healthier.

If there's one thing I know, it's that apart from living in a very fake virtual world, there's always a tendency to allow negativity into your mind. Knowingly or unknowingly. I know this. I'm serious guys.  Negativity ranging from gross stuff  to sexual stuff and all,  and we unknowingly or knowingly feed on these things.

Social media pulls us away from the ones we love. When we spend all the free time we have on social media, how would we know about the welfare of the next person? It takes our minds off these seemingly little things.

Some people have built their lives on how many followers and likes they have. Please don't make that you. How many likes have you got from God or your parents or friends?

I have a piece of advice. I know it's not easy (because it's not easy for me too) divert your energy into something else. Time is too precious to waste half of it on Instagram, snapchat, twitter, whatsapp and whatever else. It might take sometime to get to that stage of being unbothered by social media, but we'll get there by God's grace.

Life isn't that long,  enjoy it with your real life friends and families.👪

*kilode means why.

Thanks for reading friends, I hope it was short.

Oh! by the way pleaassee feel free to give me ideas on stuff you think I should talk about.


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