True Love

Good morning people, (I hope it’s still morning when I post this). Okay, newsflash: I’m in school; I don’t have any class on Thursdays yaayy!! I hope y’all had a beautiful night, cos I did, except that my head is kinda aching( it can’t be because of the music from my headphones can it? I don’t even think so), but whatever, (Okay I was about to say I didn’t know what to write, when i remembered I had a request from one of our readers.) He asked me what True love means to me, and which I would prefer between finding the love of my life and having a billion dollars. Answering time, Lemme first answer the seemingly easy one, which is the second one. Okay, FINDING means ‘to encounter or discover something being searched for; to locate. So, the first thing I’ll say is that I won’t find true love, true love would find me, I’m not in the business of looking for true love, trying to look for a scripture (God bless Bu...