A Box of Faith.
Hey guys, welcome to Fifi's diary. Hope you're having an amazing weekend. Quick reminder: God loves you more than you'll ever know. This is not the first time this is happening, but i really do not have much to say. Okay, I have a suggestion. One that might encourage you. You see, many times we pray,and sometimes we think God turns deaf when we talk to him. God never turns a deaf ears to your prayers, I mean, he loves you. The thing is many times we aren't reflective people. we need to be able to reflect not only on God, but our lives as well, if we do this, we'll see that God actually hears you, and answers your prayers, maybe just not the way you expect him to, but he's wise. Whenever you pray or make any request to God, I suggest you write it down, and eventually when God answers, you'll mark it as answered. This is just to encourage you when you feel God doesn't care or listen to you. I have a box where I write out prayers, and I mark those th...