I read a book !!! REDEEMING LOVE!!

Hi guys, good day and welcome to Fifi's diary...


* Fifi's turning 21
* Something like a book review
*Special announcement / Apologies


 If you follow my other blog, https://theuniquewomanblog.wordpress.com/ ,you may have seen this. Yeah, so, I'll be legally legal on Tuesday. Mostly excited, nothing special planned for the day.I'm just glad I get to be older. Thank you Lord.


If you follow me on Instagram, @fifimarq this won't be new to you as I said I'll talk about a particular book that captured my heart. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. You see, I've been reading a lot of books lately, love stories. I read Me before you by Jojo Meyes and it's sequel, I read Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, Love, Rosie by Ceceilia Ahern. After reading all these books, I was craving some more like them, love stories that don't have rubbish about sex. I remembered Francine Rivers. Should I say "remembered"cause I never really fancied her books , she came across as too Christianish for me in the past, so I never read her books. So, I believe God put it in my heart.

I downloaded like three, Out of those books was one titled Redeeming love, I downloaded it because the name sounded familiar. Very familiar. It was the one I started with, and boy! am i glad i did. I finished it, and that book helped greatly!!! How many of you know the story of Hosea and Gomer? This story was based on that story, and it showed me how amazing God's love is. How pure it is? You see, as humans we cannot love on our own. We all know about God and the Israelites. Read the book of judges, see how they kept sinning and God Kept taking them back. You see, when I love I want to love the way God loves, UNCONDITIONALLY.  God made me read this book at the time I read it, when my mind was constantly waging war with me, at a time loving was beginning to get hard for me, and God used this book to open my eyes, to tell me not to give up, to show me how to love, to give me hope, to give me strength.

Now let me tell you something, I have actually come across this book thrice in my life before now, but i never read it.

Occasion One. A friend sent the ebook to me (year 3) and told me it was about the story of Hosea and Gomer, i read the first two lines and dropped it. LOL i'm smiling now because God must have been looking at me and smiling at my ignorance.

Occasion Two. I saw this book with a friend (year 4) and asked for the title she told me, I told her I wanted to read it cause she was gushing so much about it, but she told me someone wanted to read after her. I lost interest. God smiled, yet again.

Occasion Three. I went to my friend's place (after Uni) saw the book lying around, he told me to read it, that it belonged to his sister, I began giving silly excuses, it ended there. You see, God is a patient God.

Finally God, in his time made me read this book, he made me read it when I'd mostly need it. When I was done with those books i read, I was hungry for more, and he gently reminded me of one author he'd been wanting me to meet. Francine Rivers. I went to my BBM and asked on my Personal message "does anyone know any Francine Rivers book i can read?" God didn't even wait for me to get a response. I got on the Internet saw Redeeming Love . The name seemed familiar, and  I'm like "why not?" I met a book and I'm in love with it. So, I've thought about this, This book is a lot better than The fault in our stars. It's my new favourite book, as at 3'o 'clock this morning, I wasn't quite sure.


PLEASE, PLEASE AND PLEASE, I'd really love to know my readers, so I'll do something like a small interview probably via Email or whatsapp. This way we can get to know some of the people that love reading Fifi"s boring diary, So, you can email me, Fifimarq@gmail.com.  I'm so sorry I didn't post anything last week. I thought hard and hard about what to write, nothing came up. Silly writer's block. Wasn't happy about it at all. I'm deeply sorry.

Thanks for reading. Much LOVE.


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