#NYSCdiaries. Boys.

Feeling: Relaxed Time: 5:53 a.m Welcome back to this series, #NYSCdiaries, I figured that if I go on the way I started, writing as each day went, I'll have a book. So, I have decided to break the experience into different parts, however, I left you hanging the last time. ... The sound of the beagle. One sound I eally don't want to hear again in this life and the next to come. This was our routine: 4:30 a.m, the beagle sounded for us to get ready for the day. 5:00 the beagle would be blown for our morning meditation, this lasted for 1hr30mins on the camp ground, after which we would have a lecture. 7:30 a.m, we'd leave the "parade ground" retire to our rooms. 8 a.m to 9 a.m was for breakfast . I always had time to sleep before the horrible beagle sounded again 9 a.m to 1:30 p.m was for lectures I never paid attention to. 1;30 p.m to 3:30 was usually lunch, Ore and I didn't really eat a lot of whatever they served us, we ate dinner a lot cause ...