#NYSCdiaries. Boys.

Feeling: Relaxed
Time: 5:53 a.m

Welcome back to this series, #NYSCdiaries, I figured that if I go on the way I started, writing as each day went, I'll have a book. So, I have decided to break the experience into different parts, however, I left you hanging the last time.

... The sound of the beagle. One sound I eally don't want to hear again in this life and the next to come. This was our routine:

4:30 a.m, the beagle sounded for us to get ready for the day.

5:00 the beagle would be blown for our morning meditation, this lasted for 1hr30mins on the camp ground, after which we would have a lecture.

7:30 a.m, we'd leave the "parade ground" retire to our rooms.

8 a.m to 9 a.m was for breakfast . I always had time to sleep before the horrible beagle sounded again

9 a.m to 1:30 p.m was for lectures I never paid attention to.

1;30 p.m to 3:30 was usually lunch, Ore and I didn't really eat a lot of whatever they served us, we ate dinner a lot cause Rice was mostly for dinner.

4:00 p.m the beagle sounded again and Ore and I would go for band rehearsals while others went for their parade.

6:30 or 7 p.m was dinner time.

10.p.m was light out. I used to sleep really early.

This was my life for 21 days.

Camp besties 😍 


Hmmmnnn... Okay, why am I sighing? There's nothing much to tell in truth. No boy outrightly came to meet me to disturb my life, I was always with Ore, maybe that was a discouraging factor. Oh! there was one guy that had a crush on me. Ore and I used to laugh at the guy, he was actually very annoying and looked old enough to be my uncle. Boys were always disturbing our friend, Joy. She was more free with them . Ore on the other hand used to fight with all the boys, she's a case. During our registration, I met some really cool guys, I had hoped we'll become camp friends,but I never saw them after that day. Oh there was also this guy I met, I can't even remember his name, we used to bump into eachother later on. On one fateful day he said, "Lois, do you know that I'm actually attracted to you cause of your hair?" (told you my hair was famous, and had a pretty large fan base😎) I first pretended like I didn't hear, LOL, he repeated himself, I think I said something like "Oh!" and laughed a mumu laugh, then he goes on and says "but your 'jere' and 'o' that you add at the end of your words turn me off", this time I say "really? I'm a Yoruba girl, there's not much I can do to help it." we both laughed. Found Ore, told her and we both laughed, cause it was actually really weird. The guy isn't Yoruba so...

Many girls went to camp with the aim of having fun. I saw girls cuddling up with guys they barely knew, I'm sure they have boyfriends at home. So many people had camp boyfriends. I saw stuff and heard stuff. Ore and I were pretty good at seeing stuff. Girls messing up themselves for boys they probably won't ever see again. One guy (whom I thought was cool) in the band was trying to be "cute" with me, I made it clear to him that I really wasn't like every girl in the band, he kept saying I was avoiding him like a plague plus his friend was really gross, he could say crappy things without feeling weird, why wouldn't I avoid him?The only male friend we (me and Ore)  kinna had was a guy we named "Borno"cause he lived there.  I really didn't make male friends, maybe cause I didn't even plan to make any friends at all, or because some boys can be messed up at times.

At night they usually had 'fun'  activities like Miss NYSC, Mr macho, err inter platoon competitions, amongst other things which kept them outside with the aim of socializing,  but where was your girl at?  Just guess.

Yeah, I was always either sleeping or on my bed texting or talking. Crazy fun . I know , right . 😂😂

Next time, I'll talk about my activities on camp and the poor living conditions .


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