Natural hair care. My secrets.

Feeling: Coffeeish
Time : 1:26 p.m

Hulloo, welcome back to Fifi's diary. Today, I'm gonna talk about natural hair care (the basic things I know) in honour of my beautiful curls which are like a year and some weeks old.
Just so you know , I took this myself . 

On a norms, I'm not overly concerned about length (both hair length and time I started this whole natural thingy) and all, in fact, it was during the camp period that I actually took full note of this. My hair was more popular than me. Everywhere I went people would be like "is that your hair or a wig?" Boys crushed on my hair, girls wished they had my hair (I dunno why). If we (my friends and I) actually decided to start a business based on how many people asked to touch my hair, I'd be a billionaire. 

Another question people ask me is "what did you do to your hair, tell me, what are the things you used?"  and then, I always reply saying "nothing, really. I just use Leave in conditioner." They probably thought I was lying . The thing is I've always had long hair (not crazy long).
Hair. Woulda cropped it, but the whole picture is fine. 
Even when my hair was relaxed (I used to put it in a bun every time though). The most I do to this hair is wash (every week) use Shea butter (not all the time)  use leave in conditioner (all the time) olive oil (once in a while), and coconut oil (whenever I have the opportunity to make some). So, you can see, I'm not a crazy naturalista.

Sometime in July I think
Today . Uncombed. lol. 

Things I've tried on my hair.
Avocado and eggs
Honey, onion juice and eggs

Anytime I'm in the mood, and I want to 'spoil'  my hair and treat it like a baby, I do all those. I have more I'm gonna definitely try out. The longest I've gone without washing my hair... Can you guess? THREE FREAKING WEEKS! Of course, thanks to camp. I wasn't feeling good about it at all, so I had to put onion juice all over my hair and scalp. It's really easy to make.

1. Blend onions
2. Add a little water depending on how much you're using.
3. Separate the liquid from the chaff using a sieve that has a soft mesh.
4. Throw the chaff away.
There's your onion juice.
Warning: It's gonna smart if it touches your eyes.

My list of essential stuff for Natural hair care. 

One thing I consider essential for the natural hair is Shea Butter . OMG!! It softens the hair real good,it also gives the hair some nutrient.

Another Essential is a wide toothed comb. Puhlease never use any other kind if you don't wanna have your scalp pulled out and your skull popping out.

The spray bottle. So very important, cos when your hair isn't a bit damp, you may not be able to handle it. That's if you have not so soft hair like mine.

Coconut oil❤. Highly important. Cannot be over emphasized. It's like a healing balm. It does wonders to the hair and skin.

Leave in Conditioner❤❤. I literally can't do without this. It automatically softens my hair. I actually like this a lot more than shea butter because it isn't oily and won't attract dust. That's why I could confidently go without washing my hair for three weeks (musta been stinking)  my aunt was scared I'd have lice😂 but nah!

Protective styles.
I'm not big on making my hair, just cause I can't handle sitting for forever. I've only made my hair once this year, I think. I'll make it during the weekend though, and that'll make it the second time.
Please take care of your edges, when braiding or doing whatsoever. Don't let your edges be picked tightly.

There are so many naturalistas out there on YouTube and Instagram for more tips and beautiful ways to style your crown. My go to is the bun. So easy.
The ever loyal bun. 

That's all the hair advice I have for you for now. Have fun taking care of your hair.
Much love, Fifi. ❤


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