CRISPR: The Game Changer

Everyday, innovation brings about life changing technology that does the world a whole load of good. One of such innovations is CRISPR which is an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.

CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes; in fact it's already being used although on a very small scale as it is considered imperfect at the moment. Prior to the invention of this technology, editing genes proved to be very expensive and time consuming which is a complete opposite of CRISPR.

I personally consider this technology to be a revolutionary one and I look forward to its perfection. One major reason why I consider it revolutionary is the fact unwanted traits in genes can be removed, therefore improving the overall human condition.

Imagine a world with very few conditions like HIV, sickle cell disease and many more that have hindered people from living full and happy lives, the world would be better off for it with a high level of increase in productivity.

While it is currently considered unethical to edit genes of people for plausible fears that it might wipe out the entirety of the already programmed genes of an individual, I would hope that a lot of research goes into a deeper study of CRISPR because of the endless possibilities that could come with this technology. 

Every form of technology that has ever been built started out imperfect, but with years and years of study, more innovation comes into play to better the technology. The same principle should apply to CRISPR as it is pregnant with beautiful possibilities that could change our world for good. 


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