Hi guys, it’s been like forever, and for that, I am deeply sorry. I know that I do not have an excuse, but because I am human, please permit me to have one or two (okay, probably one).
*project, aka dissertation
*Trying to look for another one, but in the absence of none, I shall proceed. So, how have you guys been though, I pray and hope that you’ve been well; the Lord is your strength. (Oops!! My battery is running low, I’ll continue typing later, it’s just 6:44am).
It’s now 8:56am, and I’m so darn tired, so let’s just continue as though, there was no break In transmission hehehe. Guys!!! It’s my last semester on campus, by God’s grace, and I’m truly excited. I have resolved to make the best of it in every way, spiritually, socially, and all that.
What shall I talk about? Let me see, hmmmn okay, I’m getting nothing (God I feel so sleepy). I know just what to talk about. EMBRACING YOURSELF. Yeah, as young adults, we often face this challenge of loving ourselves, and as a result, it breeds INSECURITY, and that is a no go area. I believe, that once, you’ve fully come to understand yourself, and know how much you’re worth in God’s eyes, there is no need for insecurity. Once in a while, I get my own dose of insecurity, I feel like I’m no good at many things, and that leads to me not being able to explore my potentials. Concerning beauty, there’s this picture I saw that says that ‘if you’re ugly, you’re ugly, don’t tell us about inner beauty, we don’t walk around with x-rays.’ OH PLEASE, the thing is that nobody is actually ugly (then why do I see some people and say “kai, he’s ugly I can’t marry that kind of person, ko fine rara ( he’s not fine at all) girls let’s confess. The thing is that we view people after the flesh, which ain’t right people, and there’s something someone said, he’s called POPE, he said that sometimes we see a person, and conclude he/she isn’t pretty or handsome enough, but when we get closer, to the person, the beauty that radiates from him/her is unexplainable. Some ladies wear make up for different reasons, but the major reason is that they are insecure, they believe that they are finer with the whole façade( forgive me) but if a lady could actually take a good look at herself in her natural state, she would see how beautiful she is.  Love yourself baby!!!
    Guys guys guys!!! Don’t think I’d only talk about the girls, nah nah nah. The problem is that our dear guys try hard to impress ladies. I believe that you just have to be you, trying so hard is not good for your health o, I’m serious, it leads to hypertension, just because you want to be a happening person, you waste all your life’s savings on awesome kicks, please don’t, stay on your lane, God will get you everything you need in due time, and there are people who will appreciate you for you.  I LOVE YOUUU.
                                                                                          MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS


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