Nothing major

Hello guys, how are you? I hope you’re doing fine? It’s late, I know but I just have to talk to you, I even have a headache, I should be in church. Okay, I’ll be done in three months (with school), this usually makes me happy, but tonight, I’m not all too happy, I’m a bit sober. Asking me why I suppose? Well, it’s just got me thinking about my life. While I was walking down to my hostel, and listening to different conversations that spilled into my ear, a guy said this “many people do not have FORESIGHT, but PRESENT DAY SIGHT.” I kept thinking about it, and I still am. The guy said the truth. So, concerning my leaving school, I really do not want to leave school without having some kind of plan for my life, no matter how small, I want to be the kind of person with foresight, and not present day sight, because it’s only a foolish person that would have present day sight.
         Well, well, well… A friend told me that there’s always something to say, but why’s it that whenever I pick up this laptop things fly away from my mind. Oh!!! That reminds me if you have anything you want me to talk about, you can drop a comment on my blog, or send me a message( of course, I’m not dumb, I’ll send you the link LOL… ) Thanks guys, I really appreciate, I think I’m done here, the headache’s kinda eating me up. Muah muah, don’t forget to give me topics/ideas. Nanight  lovelies.
                                                                                         MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS.


  1. I usually find it hard posting a comment here (not because my prev comment wasnt replied) but because i dont want to see just a comment from me always. I prefer reading 'silently' though. I dont know why i ve kept reading since i 'discovered' this blog.
    Ok, few things i would love you to talk about;
    #what it feels like leaving school; fears, expectations and loses etc
    #love: is there anything like true love, which would you prefer 1billion dollars or finding the love of your life.

    This should probably (i think) be my last comment here (i couldnt send a message). I also observed that there were 11 posts in sept, 5 in oct, 2 in nov.... hope it wouldnt progress that way.

    Sometimes, i wonder if you really leave us bored or thirsty for more...



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