Take a chill pill world!

Good morning everyone, its been a long while my friends, pardons.  Ive been all about final exams, project, and all. Im done with my exams yaay!!! But I wont say Im a graduate, at least not until Ive been cleared from this school. God!! Id have so much free time that I hope to maximise. So, how have you been? Ive really missed writing and talking to you guys. Theres something new with me , and Im really excited about it  its my relationship with God, I like how I flow with him now, its different. A good kind of different and I hope it goes on like this, and even exceeds this.
I was just thinking about what to talk about when it was dropped in my heart to talk about forgiveness.  Yeah, I know, I understand. Someone has caused you great grievances, and the whole world is screaming FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE!! And youre like can you take a chill pill, world? But no one seems to understand. I wont pretend to fully understand, but I can be real enough to offer the truth. Lets give a scenario (what crime SEEMS unforgivable?). Imagine this- you have a friend who you tell your deepest secret to, and the friend goes on and blabs to different people (how evil!!!), and you find out. This, for me SEEMS unforgivable, because the friend broke all the trust you  had in her, and caused you great misery. You keep being mad at this person, while this person lives life normally. I believe, my dear friend, that youre causing yourself great pain. Oh and not only that, you have a risk of high blood pressure, and we dont want you dying lool. Most times, when I find myself not wanting to forgive someone, or holding on to the wrongs of someone, I usually remember one very important fact. I was born a sinner, I would have died a sinner had someone not thought of forgiving my past, present and future wrongs, and these wrongs are worse than what anyone could ever do to hurt me. Its not a very easy process, but using that as a starting point aint bad either. Its just about LOVE, many of us think we know how to love, we actually need to learn how to love!!! Loving isnt a quality of our flesh. Its a fruit of the spirit. 1 Peter4:8 says love covers a multitude (infinity @ dictionary.com) of sins.
People also find it hard to forgive themselves, and this might be more uncool (in fact, none is cooler than the other) you shouldnt beat yourself up about some wrong that you have committed when God has seen that youre genuinely sorry and he has forgiven you. I think why this happens is that we think God thinks like us, he doesnt. If God has forgiven, you have no right to not forgive yourself. The love God has for you, my friend is immeasurable. So to know how to forgive, you should learn to love from the perfect teacher; God (his second name is love.) I hope Im talking to one of you my dear friends (lool like those pastors say it). Oh, just so you know, Im also learning to forgive and love. Its a process, and well all get there by Gods grace. I love you all.


  1. This is a beautiful post.

  2. Nice one after a loooooooooooooong time.

    I once read somewhere that Forgiveness is like releasing a prisoner only to realise the prisoner was you!!!

  3. Great piece dear
    When we love without needing reasons to love
    We forgive more easily

  4. Thank you guys for reading 😘😘


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