Your Smile Might Be All (S)he Needs

Hi friends, I hope you all had a splendid week?  I had a great week as well, thank God.

Yeah, so, moving on to what I'll talk about today. It's going to be quite short LOL (Yeah, I'll spare you my long talks. Just for now though), and it might be long. Who knows?

I'll be talking about one amazing fruit of the spirit, and that fruit of the spirit issss *drumroll* KINDNESS!!! 

Before I start though there's one song I used to sing as a kid. Lemme just write out the lyrics (it's not long)

Sing a song of Joy
Sing a song of happiness
Do a deed of kindness today
Do a deed of kindness 
Do a deed of Kindness everyday

THE END (not the end of this post o)

Many of us know that as Christians, we should be kind and all, because it shows the Holy Spirit is in us, but how many of us are actually kind? It should be who we are.
Kindness isn't until you give someone one million dollars, naira or pounds. You don't have to have a lot until you're kind.  It the little things that count.

E.g helping an Old woman cross the road even though you're a bit late (I saw someone do it and I was touched). There are so many ways you can be kind to people.  You don't even have to DO. You can SAY as well. You can be kind with your words, if someone says awful stuff to you, you don't have to reply rudely or whatever (it's somewhere in the Bible that Soft words turn away wrath. Okay, Proverbs 15 verse 1) . If someone is having a bad day, your kind words will definitely go a long way. Your smile might even be all the person needs at that moment.

There was a time I was feeling very moody and all, I told my friend and he tried to bring me out of the mood, didn't work, and even if it did, it lasted for a short period. Some hours later he put up a picture of me smiling and a lovely caption as well. Honestly that wasn't much, but it was enough to make my evening. I felt really happy and special.  That was Just to show you it doesn't have to be a very grand gesture.

Try not to be a selfish person, because a selfish person never thinks about others. It's always ME ME ME. Try to put others before you, I promise, you'll feel good.

Do a deed of Kindness everyday. Much love guys.



  1. This is the first time am reading your blog,and am blessed. Keep the good work on!Bright smile. BEEWINZ

    1. Awwwnnn. I'm really touched. Thanks for reading.


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