A beautiful rebirth! (of Fifi's diary)

Sometimes, it is highly essential to take a long break, to figure out a plan, and to remind yourself of certain things. That's what happened here. This is the second time this has happened on this blog. I somehow lost zeal and drive. I was dangerously close to ending it all but God prevailed. This long break has brought about a rebirth, and I'm excited about it.
Source: Pinterest

Obviously you've seen major changes like :

The title of the blog. In case you didn't know, this blog was formerly Fifi's diary:Where I leave you bored.

The theme: Oh my Gosh!! I love love looove this new theme. It has one of my favorite colors as its major color without being babyish. The fonts too, in fact everything about it. I'll keep working on it to make it better.

The URL: The former URL was sooo long . It's now short and easy to remember fifistalks.blogspot.com

These are the new major changes.

Now, this blog is going to have a lifestyle vibe.It won't be deep, let's just have fun seeing this world through my eyes and let's hear your views too . We'll be looking at different things ranging from food to health to fashion to culture and lots more, majorly the things that take place in everyday.

The former posts on this blog had some kind of  teaching ,exhortation feels. I liked it a lot, but I have another blog here that's contains more of that.

This one's going to reflect more of me. You'll get to know my perspective on the general things about love, life and culture. I might be boring in real life,but my mind is where I have all the actions popping!! I hope you have as much fun as I hope to have in this little space of mine. WELCOME!!!
Source: Pinterest

So, tell me, what do you think?


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