On being truly happy...

Feeling: 'Just there'

Time: 4:06 pm (EAT) 

"You don't seem to have worries" , "you're always happy" blah blah blah... I've heard these and a few others quite similar so many times. To be honest, it makes me feel good. Yunno, having people see you as a shining light in a somewhat sad world. Weird thing is that not everyone says it with a "truly- inquisitive- how- can- this- be- so?" manner. Some say it with a derisive ring to it.

I actually do not care! As long as I'm truly happy! I remember telling my best friend sometime last year, "hey, it's been a while I got mad over anything" and he said " that's good, you're discovering inner peace! " I felt on top of the world. I WAS DISCOVERING INNER PEACE. I still am.

Since the beginning of last year, my one major goal was to learn to be happy and spread positivity. Why?  Because LIFE IS SO DARN SHORT. This doesn't mean I don't get sad, in fact I'm a super emotional person, and I tend to cry at the littlest of things. I do get sad. Things do get out of my control (lol an image just popped up in my mind; a lady holding dishes slips and all the dishes fly about the place.  Yeah, that kind of losing control.)  What do I do when things get out of control?  Well, here are some of the things I do that you could try out:

1. Cry.

It's okay to cry. Crying doesn't mean you're weak. Sometimes you just have to let out all the tension. For some people, their way of letting out tension and pent up energy is by sleeping or eating.  Do whatever helps you let out tension.

2. Trust God.

 I was about to write 'absolutely' , but I'm being truthful here, so lemme be real. I'm really learning to trust God no matter what. It's not super easy, but his grace is definitely sufficient.

3. Pray. 

  As simple as it can be.  Just pray and tell it all to God!

4.  Remember that some have it worse than you do. 

This couldn't be truer. Someone somewhere has it worse than you do. It's not all that bad for you,  trust me. I'm not saying you should be glad it's not going well for someone else, definitely not, but you should be grateful to God for where you are.

5. Try to be optimistic 

I won't lie, I  used to be the girl that'll see the glass as half empty ALL THE TIME!  right now, I just try my best to see the glass as half full. It's not a totally easy thing to do when everyone around you is seeing the bad side,but trust me, it is totally doable!

6. Smile and Laugh more. 

Oh! I cannot say this enough!  Smile!  Laugh!  Someone somewhere needs tinder that smile. We live in a "squeeze - your - face- mind- your- business- and- be- overly- serious world" showing your gums could help brighten someone's day. You never know! The thing is that we are often selfish, and oblivious to other people and their simple needs (like a warm hug,  a beautiful smile or a hearty laughter)

7. Protect your energy. 

I believe in not letting negative people taint my positivity (no offense). I'm just overly particular about who I let in, but when I have no choice and I have to associate with someone who talks and thinks negatively, I guard my heart and mind, while shining my light somehow.

Finally, Just shine bright like the diamond that you are!

I hope this helps.

P. S.  I submitted this article to somebody sometime in January, it never got posted, but I think the message is relevant.

 Much love,
 Fifi .


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