On new beginnings...

Feeling : Nervous and excited. 

Time: 6:31pm (EAT)

Inhales. Exhales.

It's been such a while. A long while at that. I miss doing this. Not much has changed. Well, physically. I mean, I have ten fingers, still 5ft plus a few inches, still have my natural hair intact... Yeah, not much has changed.

Although, somehow, I feel like as much as things are the same physically, not much is the same inwardly, of course I'm still the same human being, but some growth has happened. I'm sure of that and it makes me super glad.

I've taken breaks off writing on different occasions, so much that I think I have gotten tired of all these "hey! Welcome back" posts.  But I'm really glad to be back, feels like home, and I hope you stay a while.
I'll let you in on some of the major  happenings in my life right now.

1.  Done with National Service.  Yay.
2. I spent three months learning how to make clothes ( TBH it feels weird saying 'tailor' or 'fashion designer' so I'll stick with making clothes).  Of course, I still have so darn much to learn.
3. I'm back with my family in Uganda after such a long time.

Yeah, so, those are like, the major things that have happened and are happening.

I'll be writing thrice in a week; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

I can't waitttt.

I hope you enjoy.

Much love, 


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