Hello people, I’m sorry for taking this long, I have a problem, emabinu( means I’m sorry) I think I’ve lost the touch, it saddens me, but I’ll still talk sha, I hope y’all have been good though? I am just there, immensely bored, I’m available for invitation( even though I really like my room, I am a really confused person, as much as I complain of boredom, I do not like stepping out of my comfort zone, so I should just keep my mouth shut)… You know I have been secretly wondering if people actually take time to read what I write, I mean, except for the people that I know will read it (I was surprised when I knew some of my friends didn’t read the write up, whatever, it’s not like it’s paining me sef) Anyways, I have something to say that’s really bothering me, and it won’t be bad to vent a little. Okay, what I want to talk about is friendship, yeah yeah, I’ve talked about it, I know, but t...