Bad day

Have you ever had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? Yeah, that was my day, plus I do not think a lesson will come out of this, (okay I lost my manners.) Hey loves, good morning and how have you been? Great to hear that.  Aww I’m sorry the Lord is your strength.
  Okay today’s Sunday, I know you think I spent my morning in church, nah I didn’t. I spent it in the student union’s security room. Yeah, you heard me right; I wish I could add a picture of how I was. My hair was in a mess, I wore my pj’s and I was hungry and dejected mann!! Alright Alright , I know you want to hear the whole gist. I’ll start right now, this was how it all started (imagine the flashback scenario that takes place in movies, yeah, that white light…hehehe)
  I woke up around 8, to my roomies talking, okay, not talking discussing, whatever, same words, I know. Okay, I woke up, and asked them what the problem was, and they were like one of my roomies misplaced her phone but we both waved it off as nothing, then I went to pee, while doing that, my roomies, (let’s call her Petra) came to tell me that the phone was stolen like for real, and I’m like, okay that ain’t possible, I sha entered the room, and the owner of the phone,(let’s call her errr Rose) was on the floor crying and hysterical, I was in shock o, the thing that made me more shocked was that my laptop was on the table, and my phone was near me, on the bed, yet they weren’t stolen (thank God).  So sha, we looked for a solution, and thought we found one- IMMANUEL KANT. Yeah, we told him about the ish, and he sent some students over, sorry did I just say students? I meant to say hooligans, YEAH HOOLIGANS, they looked like and dressed like Touts. We thought that they were going to help us search our floor, but err there was a sudden change of event, we were told to go along with them to the SUB, I was even happy, telling Petra that I haven’t been to the SUB like ever. To cut the long story short, it was awful, we were interrogated like crazy, sorry, like thieves rather, I almost cried, and then, I remembered my mom used to tell me that I should never cry if I didn’t do anything wrong, so I sucked it up, and stuck to the truth. From 8:23 till some mins to 2. yeah, like 4hrs outside my room in my nightwear like a criminal. I do not want to go into details concerning the stuff that went down there, it was too humiliating, but I’d be happy to gist you, too lazy to write, sorry type.
    Okay there’s a lesson, okay, more than one.
*get a really good door, okay it’s impossible, get a good carpenter, and fix your bad door.
*keep your valuables in your lockerrr
*Never report to SUG when you have a      problem in your room
*I think that’s all.
In short, it wasn't awesome, but I went to see a very good friend, it wasn't hopeless after all

                                                                           Proud Violator of the Gricean maxims
                                                                          MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS


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