
Good evening, fellas!!!  How ya doin’? Hope ya good? Coz I am okay. Anyways, hope your day went well? I’m sorry this is coming in late, I had the BEST DAY EVER (okay, for those of you that might take it literally, that’s not what I meant. I meant that I had the worstest day ever…  As in, I wouldn’t want today to repeat itself, like ever. There was no water in the hostel, or outside, I had the worst stomach ache ever, and I had to leave school to bathe!!!! Can you beat that???!!! cos I can’t.
    Okay guys, you wanna know what I want to talk about today? Okay guess. Nah you’re wrong…try again…last try…okay that’s that. Today, I’ll be talking about friendship. Yeah yeah, I know you know the meaning of friendship, but I’ll be practical, you know, in a way that we can relate.
   Should I start by defining it? FRIENDSHIP -‘The state of being friends (or friendly).’ This is by far the lamest definition of friendship I’ve heard, I mean, the state of being friendly? I’ve been friendly sooo many times, and it hasn’t gotten me into friendship, it has gotten me into HELL, not friendship. Friendships can destroy, and when I mean destroy, think about a building that has been destroyed by fire, yeah that kind of destroy, or it can build your life, you know those beautiful houses they show on TVs owned by celebs, yeah that kind of build.
   There’s this saying that says show me your friend and I’ll know who you are( I’m not sure if it’s in the bible or it’s just a saying) anyway check prov13:20, I think that’s where it is, I just checked. So, yeah, friends destroy and build you. The thing with me is that I could be gullible at times, and make completely stupid friends, which if you could grade me, I’ll def have an ‘A’, but God loves me sooooo much that he has always stopped me from being destroyed. The only thing is that I hope I made good impressions. But once you’ve let someone in your life, the person has a part of you. You definitely do not want to give just anybody a part of you, you are very special, and you’ll be pained to the bones that you gave some ‘riffraff’ a very important part of you.
   When I first got into Uni, I was a big fat loner, I did everything alone, I hated walking with people, I preferred my earphones to someone just saying stuff I was hardly listening to. I still have that problem, but it’s greatly reduced. Then, my church members didn’t even know me!!!! How pathetic!! People began to complain (I mean, what was their business?) I sha ended up, with some idiotic group of people as’ friends’, people that normal Lois disliked. Anyways I got taught various lessons both by God and them, and I went back to being me. (You can’t force a flower to grow by pulling out the petals #word, it’s just like this colonialism thing, the whites should have allowed us to grow at our own pace mtchew). I eventually have friends that make sense, people I tell my parents about, people I actually pray for, and talk God with( these are the best) our relationships aren’t parasitic, they are whatever the opposite of parasitic is.
Ask God to help you choose your friends before you get destroyed, abeg, I know I’m not a counsellor, but please take heed. I love you big, not as much as I love chocolate though; okay I love you more than choc.
                                                                                                    Proud Violator of the Gricean maxims
                                                                                                    MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS


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