Communal living

Yaaaayyy!!! I’m hooomee!!! I’m sure you think I’m the most excited person here, but really, out of 100% I’m 35% excited, I know you sha want to know why. The thing is that I’m at my aunt’s place, and it’s overly quiet. Have you ever heard silence? Well I have, and I’m listening to it (oh these dogs just had to spoil it) silence is really loud if you pay close attention, I can’t quite describe the sound. Anyways my journey was surprisingly long(I assumed you asked about it, how sweet of you) I was in my head all through the journey, I was really paranoid too though, every little time, I’ll ask myself ’why is this guy speeding? Why am I the only one that looks scared?’ And then, I’ll pray a little. It was sha long, in short.

    I hope you enjoyed your church meetings?  Cos I did, though to be truthful, I was really hungry, and I was a bit overly conscious of time (I’m always time conscious) Okay, that’s that with that. I was about to ask you to guess what I want to talk about today, and then I remembered that you’re bad guessers (if this word exists). So, I’ll just spare you. I’m going to talk about communal living, err, like the hostel life ish, this has taught me so much, and I’m still yet to learn a lot. The hostel as far as I am concerned is a training ground for everyone who lives there. Trust me, I’ve met all sort of people, I’ve learnt stuff and seen stuff, I’ve made friends (some short-lived however), but if you’ve successfully lived  in a hostel, then you can get married to anyone( just kidding) but it means you can cope with anyone, okay almost anyone. It teaches you a lot, like patience, endurance. It shows who you truly are, (I wonder what people see me as, I know, a talkative, might be one of them, but I mean for real) I want to make an impact on someone. You won’t have much of a problem in handling people, once you’ve gotten to meet like 20 people and interact with them daily. Lemme think of something of something that used to piss me off, but maybe patience or endurance has taught me to overlook, err  maybe (I’m thinking really hard right now tbh) roommates that deliberately try to get on my nerves by insulting me or just talking nonsense (this pains me like crazy. I can cry if someone should insult me, ask my daddy, but then I realized, though it took time, that people talk based on their levels of understanding. I mean, it’s ignorance that makes them so immature, and a mature person will just look and smile. Then the one that pains me soooo bad is the water taking, rather, stealing issue. Oh God how do you expect me not to get mad? I definitely get mad, worse is when there’s no water in school, and I’m grinning wherever I am that I have water, and then I get to the hostel, and  like a slap on my face, I discover there’s no water!!!! OH MY GOOOOODDDD!!! I don’t shout o ( you know there’s ranges of shouting) I just know that even with the normal voice, you’ll detect anger of the highest order.

     Though my new roomies are like the best so far, they ask for permission. So, my dear friends, I’m 80% sure you have one annoying roommate or the other, they are there as both a blessing and a lesson, they are there as tools for God to reach out to you, and then, once you pass the test, because as I saw in James1:4, the patience makes you perfect. Please who doesn’t want to attain perfection? Nobody. So, please love up that person. Love youuu

                                                                                  Proud violator of the Gricean maxims


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