
Heyyy guysss, it’s the last day of the freaking year 😀(like we’re on the 365th day of the yearrrr) woop woop!!! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA😞, wanted to write yesterday, but I was ssooo darn tired. Anyways guys, y’all should do something fun, or of importance today( I’m not doing anything major, because I have a very boring life like that, but for y'all who have normal, and interesting lives, please do something, after today, there’ll be no 2015,God why do I feel so giddy?😄).
So much has happened from 12:00am 1ST OF January 2015, till, this point 10:03am 31st of December, and we have so much to be thankful for, even if we feel otherwise. It’s even in the bible ‘in everything, give thanks’. So, today, I want you to take time out to give thanks to God for everything, for all your tiny little miracles, I’ll start:
I’m thankful because I can finally use sugar, after a three day suspension( one of my friends(in fact, all) think I’m a sugar freak😀, and he told me not to have any sweet stuff for three days😕.)
I’m thankful for all my dad has taught me so far concerning the spiritual, carnal, and natural man.
I’m thankful, because I got to know my beautiful and amazing cousins more (we always have something to talk about, esp cuzin D😘)
I’m thankful for ECU, my fellowship at school, especially, the drama subgroup, my love for my original subgroup( Biblestudy) still exists oo.
I’m thankful for my friends( anytime I say I really don’t have many friends, I should be punched, because the few I have are more than 500 humans put together).
I’m thankful for the relationship I have with God, it’s not always easy, but I have faith, grace, and hope.
I’m thankful for my beautiful 👪 , 2 years without them, hasn’t been easy, but their voices gave me 💪 , their laughter made my days, their love 💜 gave me smiles, their understanding increased my love for them.
I am thankful for the opportunities God provided for me to see my mommy.
I’m sad Grandma passed away (I remember the day I was crying like a chicken) but I’m thankful, because though bleak, I know that there’s a reason for everything.
I’m thankful for my grades, the good, the bad, the ugly.
I’m thankful for my roommates who are like a family to me, our ‘tinko tinko’ sessions, truth or dare sessions, snappysnaps sessions, prayer and worship sessions, our love, our truthfulness, our sisterhood, our minor disagreements, our dance sessions
I’m thankful because I’m alive, not to live life as I please, but as it’s pleasing to God.
I’m thankful for my family here in Ibadan.
I’m thankful for my minor and major mistakes, cos I hope to learn from them all.
I’m thankful for this whole blog thingy, my little way of sharing with you guys, things I’ve learnt, and I’m yet to learn, I’m thankful for your responses, and criticisms.
I’m thankful for more light💡 I have received concerning certain things like relationship with people, or this whole craze of people wanting to be in relationships💏. Maybe it has always been there, probably I’m just getting aware, and it’ll get stronger as I grow, but patience is the key my brother/sister.
I’m thankful for the new things I learnt about myself, thankful for the woman I’m growing into. Love you, woman Lois💁!!!
These things might seem small, but I’m mightily grateful and thankful to God for everything, take time out too. I’m sorry this thing is amazingly long😍😍😍.
* tinkotinko- a hand game where, you slap your partners hand so hard repeatedly following a particular pattern( I suck at describing).
                                                                                  Marquis FIfeoluwahan Lois
                                                                                  Proud violator of the gricean maxims


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