
Showing posts from December, 2016


Hello, wow!!! End of a new year!!!!  I totally forgot I'm supposed to post today, but today ain't gone yet sooo... Guys, we've all gone through so much this year, I know I have, would have liked to share some of the things but blehhh, I like my privacy. I really do not have much to say, but I'd like to give us advice for the next year, which is just another day. These are not resolutions,just things we can tell God to help you with everyday of our lives. *stay true to yourself. *Have a beautiful Friendship (God gave me the opportunity to have one of the best friends in the world, and I was blessed,I am still blessed sef.) * L earn to be thankful (we complain too much) *Trust God. Wow!! I have no right to tell people to do this, cos I'm learning this everyday, no matter how hard it seems, just trust God. Trust his word. Just remembered Abraham and the issue of Sacrificing of Isaac. He trusted that God would provide a lamb. His faith didn't waver. *Think les...


Hi guyysss, So sorry I didn't post during the weekend, was sooooo busyyyy. But I have something for you. Many of us are trying to create good habits for ourselves right?  And it just seems so hard, like why can't I keep up?  Am I that undisciplined? Well, you're not totally. I also face that struggle a lot. But I have a suggestion. I hear it takes 21 - 66 days to create a habit till it forms in you. Okay, yeah, so we'll employ that, the only difference is that we'll involve God. We'll pray that God gives us strength to go through with it. So whatever it is, that you want to work on, I assure you, it's totally possible. And it'll be easier knowing people are with you on it.  So, here's me introducing to you the #66dayschallenge. If it's about eating healthy, you can employ this, if it's about working out in your room, or going to the gym, if it's about studying your Bible, you can do this. With God, all things are possible!! You have to ...

Can I hug all my readers?!!! (I love you)

Dear readers/friends I didn't write an address, cos this is the highest level of informality. So, good day guys. I'm really grateful for every single person that reads this blog. Every single one of you. You may not know it, but you've all given me a sense of purpose (like, God used you guys greatly). Your constant support even after my rude(which wasn't cool) but much needed break wowed me. God bless you all. Now, let me tell you something that I've only told one person. I started this blog because I wanted to make money. I know right. I was with my friends, and we were talking about what to do immediately after school,and the blog thing came up, and I'm like "hell Yeah, why not?" so, I started. I tried to set up the Adsense (that's how you make money by blogging) it didn't work, I was mad. Eventually I saw I couldn't do it, so I just continued writing,and trust me when I tell you that knowing that you guys that learn from me is a lot m...

I Graduated from Uni!!!

Hello guyss, how are y'all doing?  Hope you had a fab week? Thank God. So yeah, straight into what I'll be talking about today.  It's a little personal, not really gan sef, but I kinda like to make a big deal out of little things (okay, not really), but then as I'm typing right now, I'm thinking of all the people that might see this, who cares sha?  I'll be talking about my graduation. Yaayy!!!!  Guess who left school finally. I know some of you might be thinking "I thought she was done" Yeah I waa , we just did the whole ceremonial thing. I Graduated from the department of English, yeah, B.A English (feels so cool saying that). The thing is I graduated with a third class. When I first saw this, I was very very very very unhappy. My parents weren't (Yeah, they are amazing like that)  they tried to encourage me o, but it didn't work, or maybe it did, eventually. I think I felt worse because I just really wanted to impress them. I  didn't ...


Another Sunday post LOL, how are y'all doing? I have a question to ask. Why?  Just why? Does everything have to be sexualized I really really have been trying to figure this out in my mind for some weeks now. Why do we have to make it a point to make everything appeal to our err sensuality?  Maybe it's because of the world we live in. I saw an advert recently (this was what triggered this write-up), this advert was for an NGO, they reach out to poor children. Normally, one would have expected a picture of poor children or something that relates to helping them. That's not what me I saw o (I'm clicking my tongue and shaking my head right now) the image used was of a woman wearing a camisole (that didn't even cover all her bust)  looking sexy and all. I really wish I could put the picture here, but It'll be rude, plus it's actually none of my business. The other day I saw (in Ibadan here) the billboard of a computer shop ( just a local computer shop, you g...