
Hi guyysss,
So sorry I didn't post during the weekend, was sooooo busyyyy. But I have something for you. Many of us are trying to create good habits for ourselves right?  And it just seems so hard, like why can't I keep up?  Am I that undisciplined? Well, you're not totally.
I also face that struggle a lot. But I have a suggestion. I hear it takes 21 - 66 days to create a habit till it forms in you. Okay, yeah, so we'll employ that, the only difference is that we'll involve God. We'll pray that God gives us strength to go through with it. So whatever it is, that you want to work on, I assure you, it's totally possible. And it'll be easier knowing people are with you on it.  So, here's me introducing to you the #66dayschallenge. If it's about eating healthy, you can employ this, if it's about working out in your room, or going to the gym, if it's about studying your Bible, you can do this. With God, all things are possible!! You have to be conscious of the effort, till it is as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning. Who's with me? #66dayschallenge #becomingbetterpeople.
You can email me for more information. And if you do not mind sharing how far you have gone in the challenge or your struggles, I'm also here, just send a mail. It takes discipline to do this. Let's begin this incredible journey of being better people. Trust me it's a lot more fun knowing you're not the only one, it helps a lot. 😊 Thanks for reading 😍😍😘😘😘

Love you lots


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