Hello, wow!!! End of a new year!!!!  I totally forgot I'm supposed to post today, but today ain't gone yet sooo...

Guys, we've all gone through so much this year, I know I have, would have liked to share some of the things but blehhh, I like my privacy. I really do not have much to say, but I'd like to give us advice for the next year, which is just another day. These are not resolutions,just things we can tell God to help you with everyday of our lives.

*stay true to yourself.

*Have a beautiful Friendship (God gave me the opportunity to have one of the best friends in the world, and I was blessed,I am still blessed sef.)

*Learn to be thankful (we complain too much)

*Trust God. Wow!! I have no right to tell people to do this, cos I'm learning this everyday, no matter how hard it seems, just trust God. Trust his word. Just remembered Abraham and the issue of Sacrificing of Isaac. He trusted that God would provide a lamb. His faith didn't waver.

*Think less of yourself, there are so many people that need to be reached out to, and you're a big key.

* Learn to Love (I'll forever be a student of love. I love Love, I have a beautiful role model, anytime I think about his love for me, I almost always want to cry.  GOD is the best lover. His name is LOVE for chrissake)

* Family is everything.

*Have beautiful friendships that will help you in every area of your life.

*Read the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman (best book ever)

*Don't be too preoccupied with now. Think about your future. I said think, not worry.

*Document important milestones

*Crave to be a better person

*Understand yourself. Know who you are. Learn more about you.

*Love God. I mean it.

*Be modest (it's actually not that hard once you tell God to help you).

*You are beautiful, let no one convince you otherwise.

*Be open to learn from even the littlest of things.

*Learn to wait on God.

I Love you all so much. God bless. Take a minute to thank God for how far he has come in your life. Just thank God.

Happy new year in advance guys🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇


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