Another Sunday post LOL, how are y'all doing?

I have a question to ask. Why?  Just why? Does everything have to be sexualized I really really have been trying to figure this out in my mind for some weeks now.
Why do we have to make it a point to make everything appeal to our err sensuality?  Maybe it's because of the world we live in.

I saw an advert recently (this was what triggered this write-up), this advert was for an NGO, they reach out to poor children. Normally, one would have expected a picture of poor children or something that relates to helping them. That's not what me I saw o (I'm clicking my tongue and shaking my head right now) the image used was of a woman wearing a camisole (that didn't even cover all her bust)  looking sexy and all. I really wish I could put the picture here, but It'll be rude, plus it's actually none of my business.

The other day I saw (in Ibadan here) the billboard of a computer shop ( just a local computer shop, you get?) and there was a woman all posed up by the side of the information, and I'm like, "chill o, ko yemi, what's she looking for there?"  Those guys probably believe that of there's a pretty woman there, people will come around,or maybe not, but I'm almost sure that's the reason.

In one of the posts I wrote earlier this year, I talked about modeling and how it's not a sin to advertise for people, but that also has been 'corrupted',  how about pageantry, and how it's no longer after beauty + being fully covered. 
Have you seen TLC's  (or is it Lifetime) "Toddlers and Tiaras " and how those kids are exposed to all sorts at very very tender ages.

Maybe it's the society we live in, but then we shouldn't let the society define the way we do things. The society is confused as hell. They tell you to do something, you do it, but they say it shouldn't be that way. That's confusion. Even the bible says they do not know the first thing about living and yet, they tell you how to live. Ephesians 2:1 (the message).

So, you can flourish in whatever you do without attempting to sexualize it. We are different, let's not try to be like them.

*ko yemi* means I don't understand.

Thanks for reading guys, bless you.


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