Can I hug all my readers?!!! (I love you)

Dear readers/friends

I didn't write an address, cos this is the highest level of informality. So, good day guys.

I'm really grateful for every single person that reads this blog. Every single one of you. You may not know it, but you've all given me a sense of purpose (like, God used you guys greatly). Your constant support even after my rude(which wasn't cool) but much needed break wowed me. God bless you all.

Now, let me tell you something that I've only told one person. I started this blog because I wanted to make money. I know right. I was with my friends, and we were talking about what to do immediately after school,and the blog thing came up, and I'm like "hell Yeah, why not?" so, I started. I tried to set up the Adsense (that's how you make money by blogging) it didn't work, I was mad. Eventually I saw I couldn't do it, so I just continued writing,and trust me when I tell you that knowing that you guys that learn from me is a lot more satisfying. Knowing I can reach out in my own little way, brings me happiness.

I'm reaching out to different people across this world!!! People from places I've never been to on this planet, Pakistan, Iceland, France, Kenya, my country Nigeria, amongst soo many others. I'm humbled. I'm humbled. Sometimes I'm like "I don't know a soul in this country, how do they get to see this blog," I don't even follow blogs(mostly because I don't know how to). So how?  The day I thought about this, I wished so desperately that I could hug everyone of you. Trust me,  I want to. Maybe someday, but for now, accept this little thank you that's from my heart. 💜

I don't even write anything fancy, I just write these things as I see them. I'm just a young lady who wants to make the world a better place, that's all, and I'm starting the little way I can.

Christianity is not boring, it's interesting, it's fun. I promise(this is coming from a girl who praying for 10 minutes seemed like an hour. I'm not perfect, I don't even pray for 3hrs or 2hrs, but I know I'm better) . It doesn't seem that way(fun) because we make it so. Simplify these things for yourself, maybe when you see how much God loves you, it'll keep you going. That's what keeping me going. I know God loves me, ahn ahn he does. Many times thinking about his love stuns me, in fact it always does. It's too much.

Anytime I thank you guys for reading, I always mean it, not some mantra I must say at the end. Trust me, it means a lot to me, that's why I always thank you guys. Keep reading.
Oh and please guys, suggest things I can write about. You can either email me ( or drop it in the comment box. Pleaaaseee, thank you. I'm only human, and I don't know all the topics in the world, so you'll help us a great deal by doing  so

I Love you all. God bless.
                                                                   Your friend,


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