Conscious Living- Life isn't ROCK, PAPER ,SCISSORS. SHOOT!

Hello fam, good day and welcome to Fifi's diary. How'd your week go? Mine was great actually.I had time for myself. Why do I feel so sleepy? It's just 12:37pm and I even had a second round of sleep. Anyways, straight to the point.

You see, this morning, I made a decision to start living consciously. As a growing woman or lady, or whatever, I believe that every decision I make should be made consciously.I do not want to find myself in a particular place and wonder how I got there, I do not want to be in a relationship (general) and wonder how I got there.. This was what brought about the thought this morning, it might seem unrelated but... I was preparing breakfast, no one was in the house, the help was in her room. I wasn't raised with a help around the house, and I don't plan on raising my kids with any help doing stuff for me. As I was cooking, it just crossed my mind that "Lois, in a few years you'll be a mother and wife by God's grace is that how you really wanna act right now?" You know why that thought came into mind? well, because I was planning to dump all the utensils, bowls and all that I used into the sink with the mind that "well she'll come clear it, it's her job", but when that thought came in I did all I was supposed to do, because I want to take active steps in preparing for my future. I don't want to be shocked when the future comes. I want to be very very ready.

Now, you can live consciously by putting even the seemingly little things in consideration.Example. I won't open Instagram because Instagram wants me to open it, you get? (my laptop doesn't even know what Instagram is, it keeps underlining it.) I'll open it when I want to. I don't know if you understand me, or I'll eat because it's going to add to me (most times I don't eat because I don't feel hungry, I could eat once during the day,and I'll be deeply satisfied. Oh with junks too LOL) So many things we count as little, but when we consciously focus on them, they contribute to a a greater good. Conscious living involves talking when you're supposed to, not opening our mouth whenever something pops into your mind. You gotta use the filter,(you know the way some people filter all their pictures on Instagram) it's very important.

Learn to LIVE CONSCIOUSLY. Some people might be like "ah me I can't live that kind of serious life" well, my dear friend you are going to give account for your life, plus I know you don't want to keep having "life accidents" .This life you are living is not a game.This life you are living is precious. Don't live accidentally. Life is not "rock, paper, scissors"

Thanks for reading! Much Love. Muah!!!

P.S the reason why it underlined Instagram was because I didn't start the word with a capital letter. Imagine?


  1. Indeed! By living consciously we can create the future we desire. Thanks for inspiring me this afternoon the way, did I just read that Fifehan wants to start eating right consciously?! God still does miracles!😁

  2. Indeed! By living consciously we can create the future we desire. Thanks for inspiring me this afternoon the way, did I just read that Fifehan wants to start eating right consciously?! God still does miracles!😁

  3. Yeah!! Lol I will try by God's grace, I cannot do it by myself at allπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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