STORY: The miracle of how I got my job.

Yeah, so I didn't write last week, cos I went to make my hair, and when I got back, I couldn't think cos, she braided my hair with my brain tehehehe, just kidding, been wanting to use that line for ages. Seriously though, I made my hair and that took like 4hrs. I'm really sorry though.

So, I want to tell you all about one of my many miracles. I unofficially graduated in the month of June, in the year 2016. I stayed in Kampala, Uganda with my family close to four months. I definitely enjoyed the first month , feeling special and all, cos I hadn't seen my family for close to three good years. Soon after, I became immensely bored with life,I totally felt very useless, LITTLE did I know that was my preparation period, eventually I got to know and then I embraced it, my vision in life became clearer, I read tons (okay, just some books on how to deal with young and old teens), learnt stuff, but I was stil very bored eventually. One day, I couldn't hold it anymore I cried my eyes out and told my mom that I hated being idle. Nothing could be done as I was leaving for Nigeria the next week or two weeks after. Oh wait Chill, I could have worked as a volunteer, but God obviously didn't want that for me, because the organization found another person.

I returned to Nigeria, and the following week, I began looking for jobs. Went to different radio stations and some schools, I finally gave up and just stayed home, until my aunt told me to start following her to her office. I was so very unhappy, but then soon after that , I started learning how to drive, after which I went back to the office. Same routine for so many days. One day, I didn't go to the office, oh, no, I was still planning to go to the office, just wasn't ready, like I hadn't gone to the bathroom and all. I was on the bed (this was on the 6th of January), when my aunt texted me via whatsapp to check my phone cos she sent me an SMS, she told me to go to the school for a seminar that was taking place there and the Director wanted me there. I hurried, had my bath and all,and went to the seminar(which wasn't interesting), after the seminar, I spoke with the head teacher of the senior school who said i was inexperienced and because of the status of the school, they couldn't afford to have me as a teacher, she also said they had someone who had already applied for the job. I left and on my way home i criieeddd so hard, like why did they have to raise my hopes? Told my aunt what she said, and on Sunday my aunt told me the director told me to see her on monday. This time I decided not to have any kind of hope.

On getting there, I waited for her, and when she finally came around, she told me i'll work in the library and assist the Librarian at the middle school, on getting there, the headteacher of the junior school told me the director said i should teach English and civics. I was just grinning like a fool. I started work the next day.

Yesterday, I was walking with one of my colleagues and we were gisting , i told him what I just told you guys, and he's like the other person that applied for the Job was from him, and she couldn't get the job because her phone was broken and she wasn't able to see the text from the school. She would have easily gotten that job, I could have easily been blown off a second time, BUT GOD wanted things to go differently.

Now, the puzzle is making sense, the pieces are fitting perfectly, IN GOD'S time. Let me highlight a few things.
* I could have gotten the Job at the organization in Uganda, but GOD WANTED ME TO STAY AT HOME so that i could learn stuff about teens, If I didn't stay at home I wouldn't have had time to read those books.
*I could have easily stayed in Uganda till it was time for my youth service, but God made me leave when I did.
*I could have gotten jobs when I was looking for jobs but God said NO, he wanted to show me that it's not by power nor might.
*I could have been given this job earlier and I probably wouldn't have appreciated it, because exactly two weeks or a week before I got this job, I hated teaching, but I had a dealing with God and HONESTLY, I LOVED it, I dunno how possible that is, but it happened. So, God wanted me to have a change of heart towards teaching before he could give me this job.
* My aunty could have told the director earlier all those times i was at home doing nothing actively, but God said NO, he made me use that period to learn more about myself, to be an amazing thinker.
* That other applicant's phone could have broken this year, but God said NO, it had to break when it did. Maybe God is showing her how amazing he is, and he has better plans for her.
* I could have started teaching and found out that no student likes me, but that's not the case.

God has his plans, he planned everything ,every tiny little detail, he has planned. at the end of the day, all the pieces will fit, and it will be one beautiful big picture. I am blessed, so are you. Learn to know the times and seasons.


  1. You never changed your hair in school . One of the things I loved about you. Still pretty fine

  2. Blessed be God and congratulations.
    It was quite enjoyable I mean reading your article a lot of imageries. I think my teeth was shinning throughout.

  3. Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. I'm sorry I'm just replying this, I never receive notifications. God bless!


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