Three things about me!

I know , a new Saturday, which means I've gotta write ,but in all honesty, I don't feel like. Which brings me to something, there are so many things we don't feel like doing, but we have to do, when you do those things it shows how committed you are.The same happens in relationships,sometimes you're just tired, but do you give up? Nahhh.

Sorry about that boring intro, anyways, I won't be saying anything serious, maybe just a little about me. I have a list of stuff I'm currently looking at, let me just choose one. Chill a minute please.Okay, I'm taking more than a minute. Finally found two, sorry, three things I can say about me. This one doesn't count, but I'm a playful human being .


I have something quite funny to tell you. I don't think it's even funny. For the past three weeks, I haven't watched TV. Oh okay i remember I watched it once , I watched an episode of err is it Grey's anatomy? Not too sure, but sha, I don't fancy the television or movies in general because i get booreed, sleepy or tired from watching. The irony is that when I was in Uni, mostly first to third year, i used to watch movies LIKE A VERY VERY JOBLESS HUMAN BEING, I could pull an all nighter because of a movie.In year 4, I noticed however, that I wasn't too into movies,i would find myself sleeping, or never completing it or something, after school I just stopped completely. I like it actually,it gives me more time to myself, I get to write more, think more, sleep more,what else more?

Now, to the original question, WHAT'S MY FAVORITE MOVIE? I think I have two : The Fault In Our Stars and When Harry Met Sally. These two movies ehn!!!! Just go check them out. If I had to choose one though, it'll definitely be the first one. 


Ah lol! Different things make me laugh/smile. Most times though, my thoughts make me laugh, I have a great sense of humour, many things make me laugh. Cute things make me smile, Love makes me smile, family too.

Hmmn , Nigerians like to use 5 years😂😂😂. In the Next 10 years, I'd like to keep doing what it is that I'm doing, reaching out to teens and young people, on a larger scale though, even before 10 years ,by God's grace. I'm blessed. I'm already doing what I'd like to do in the next ten years. I'm gaining experience. God is amazing.


ORISIRISI (means all sorts),anything that pops up in my head, I write because I loooovvveeee writing, I write because I can touch lives and reach out to people, by God's grace. I write on my bed most times, on my phone (my phone is very valuable), I also have a note where.I write random thoughts.

I think that's all for now, I hope it wasn't boring, and I guess you know a little about me.

There was a problem while uploading this post. Quite annoying .

Thanks for reading ! 


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