The bins don't bite! Make use of them.

Feeling : Sad for no reason
Time: 6:50p.m

Hi guys, well, I'm not writing this post cos I'm bored or because my CDS (Community Development Service) is something related to environmental blah blah. I'm saying this because the situation we've found ourselves in is quite horrible.

Is it because we are Nigerians, or Africans, I don't get why we have to litter everywhere we go. I mean, even educated people do this, TBH it makes no sense to me.

When I was growing up, it's one thing I deliberately picked from my dad. One of the billion things I learnt from him. I don't think my siblings even throw things into bins all the time. I remembered one time my mom and I went out, I bought maize or something and when I was done,i held the cob, she told me I should throw it away, but there was no bin know sight. My mom being a clown, waited for me to hold it loosely and then shook it out of my hand๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. My mom though.

Anyways, I asked a bunch of people why they think people throw stuff on the road, and I received all sorts of answers. Let's dive right in๐Ÿ‘‡

"Cos no dustbin ๐Ÿ™„"  ~ Haviyah

"It has being existing for centuries." ~ Bola

" Lazy
  Don't care
  Like blaming the government
  Oh and..... Don't care" ~ Ayo

"Because they are lazy slobs. That's what I think o. I can't blame it on illiteracy cos even the illiterates complain when a place is littered or smelly. So basically laziness is the cause. From when I was little till now, I rather litter my bag or pocket and dispose later than throw stuff on the road ✌๐Ÿฝ✌๐Ÿฝ. It takes a lot to be different and think about the environment.
I'm glad I'm different ๐Ÿค“" ~ Alexa.

"uhm Ignorance I guess" ~ Annabel.

"It's how we were brought up that matters. Sometimes, I throw stuff unconsciously, other times, when I want to throw things in the road, I'll just remember subconsciously, "let's keep Lagos clean." ~ Sarah.

I think it's highly unhealthy, throwing stuff around. I'm not sure I'll say it's illiteracy, or maybe it is. Just cos one is educated doesn't mean he or she knows what's proper in some aspects. That's some kind of illiteracy.  So, if you do this cos you didn't know it's wrong, please stop it. If you know it to be wrong already, I dunno what to say,  but please try to control the urge to throw things anywhere you get the chance.

Ohhh I almost forgot!! This message is for those who spit on the road. Just so you know, that is simply disgusting.

Thanks for reading.
P. S I'm no longer sad.


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