There's no one size fits all rule for dating

Feeling: Sleepy
Time: 11:43 am

Holaa!! it feels like it's been ages... I'm watching a very silly movie with my brother, it's so cheesy, so much that we are predicting everything, and we are getting it right.

Anywhos, yesterday, while we were making dinner, my sister and I were awwing and oohing at Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' wedding photos. They are so pretty! Mom had to ask us why we were squealing.

Later at night, as we were slowly drifting off to sleep, we were talking about what Nick said about really knowing and dating her for 5 months and then just knowing they were right for each other.

I have heard of shorter dating periods. 3-4 months, and I must say, I am very intrigued whenever I hear such stories. Some of these people last so long; they never divorce,  while some 'grow out of love'. Different strokes for different folks, you know.

While there's absolutely not one size fits all rule for dating, I generally wouldn't advice anybody to get married within four five  months ish of knowing the other person. I personally think that's not enough time.

I think it's nicer when both of them have a solid foundation, strong enough to support marriage.

I also think that sometimes attraction is so strong and powerful, so much that one could think it's love. Sometimes, attraction, as powerful as it is, could just disappear, like it was never there. For instance, two people in this situation eventually get married and the girl finds out the guy is a really rough guy or something worse, and the guy finds out the girl's lifestyle doesn't match his... Then, they begin to rethink the whole thing.

Love stands the test of time, so if I were ever proposed to within 5 months of knowing the other person, I'd ask for more time. If he chooses to move on, good for me and if he chooses to stay and wait till I'm certain, all the better!  It's a win win situation for me.

Some might argue that you can never truly know someone, but I'm such a safe player. I'd rather get to know you, see you in different settings, see how you relate with different people, know how you react to different situations for a long while.

Most of all, I'd really love to be your friend, in every sense of the word. Like, I said earlier, different strokes for different folks. Some people don't really care much for that (and they'd still turn out fine), and that's okay, we're absolutely different human beings who like different things.

As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Have a lovely week.

Much love, 


  1. As you say, different strokes for different folks. I believe you can meet someone and be sure you want to be with each other within a short while. Of course you wouldn't fully know the person yet, but once you and the person are both committed to each other, knowing each other becomes a journey you embark upon. You could call it an adventure if you would. Maybe it isn't as safe as your option, but... well, there.


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