You're growing! Slowly but steadily.

Feeling : Loved
Time: 1:48 pm

Growth is a word that's been at the back of my mind for a while now.

Some days ago, my brother was telling me about how he felt he hadn't learnt so much in this one year of guitar training; he felt he should have been better. He was downloading some of his you tube videos, and he was like, "I should be this good already'.

I reminded him that those ones were probably taught by physical teachers and have been at it for years and years. I told him that as far as I was concerned, I think he has come such a long way. His constant dedication and commitment to getting better is worthy of note. He has no teacher, mind you. I told him every one around him has clearly seen the growth in him, and he'll get better as years go by.

I have been feeling this way of late, seeing everyone else do stuff, genuinely celebrating their growth, and clearly despising mine, but we all learn.

It's easier to encourage someone else. It's easier to see someone's growth. It's much harder to see growth in yourself. Much harder to celebrate your little wins, after all, they are little. I told him, 'a plant can't see itself growing, it just feeds; drinks in the sun, and sucks up the water from the earth,  only humans can tell that, 'oh!  My plant is bigger than it was two weeks ago! '

I don't know what season of your life you may be in, perhaps, nothing major is happening in your life, (like mine) and it feels a little hard to find the light, to celebrate the little things, I'd advice you to come out of yourself, look at yourself , be objective - see how far you've come, don't subject yourself to undue criticism. You are growing! Slowly, but steadily.  Of course, there'll be times you just want to cry and roll up in a blanket, it's okay to cry. Breathe in. Breathe out; more than once and trust that you'll be fine, because you will be. It's a season, a little fraction of your whole life. Seasons come and go.  You'll come out stronger. Feed yourself. Develop yourself in some way.

The exciting periods are ahead, and you need the growth of this season to help you handle that season.  You are strong.

Surround yourself  with people who love and care for you. Talk to them. Could be one person as well.

You'll be fine. You are fine.  Come out of yourself to see that.

Much love, 

P. S.  I am writing this to encourage myself as much as I'm writing it to encourage someone.


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