If love is all of this, 'I-Love-yous' aren't basic.

Time: Yesterday and today.
Feeling: Sleepy.

Been quite a while, I know. Sigh* My emotions were all over the place. Trust you're all great!  How'd Valentine's Day go?!  I like hearing that kind of gist.  What did you do?  Me?  I slept, I think . I don't even remember what I did. It was such a blur.

I'm not about to write this because it's the 'month of love'. A coincidence, actually.  Someone on twitter said, " 'I love you' is mad basic" and I have a few things to say about it.

I used to think saying 'I love you' all the time was boring. I used to think constantly saying 'I love you' didn't convey the depth of my love enough. Yunno, it seemed Blehhhh!  I used to find creative ways to convey my love. I still do - I mean, find creative ways to say 'I love you'.

I have come to understand one thing, though. Nothing trumps 'I love you'. The problem is that love is a word that has been tossed around like a ball; it has become a word used so loosely.

When someone that doesn't care for you keeps saying how much (s)he loves you, this beautiful and sacred word loses its value, because this person's actions doesn't reflect what (s)he's saying. Now, you're with someone who genuinely loves you, and the person goes on to say 'I love you', your immediate response is to roll your eyes.

Like I said earlier, I used to think me saying  'I love you' didn't capture the intensity of love I felt towards a person. They seemed to be a combination of such simple and boring words that had been used repeatedly, which made the main word lose all the flavor, sauce and genuineness.

One day, I don't remember the day,  I thought about God's love for me, and how all the time, all he uses to describe what he is to me is 'love' - the very word I thought had lost all its flavor. I paused. I thought again about how the Bible says God is love.  God, in his all his might is love! That word can certainly not lack flavour, if that is what God is! My mind didn't stop there. It took me to 1 Corinthians 13, which describes what love is. It's a famous scripture.

Love is large and incredibly patient. 
Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. 
Love refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else.
Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance. 
Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. 
Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense. 
Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. 
Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. 
Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up. Love never stops loving. .
1 Corinthians 13:4‭-‬8 TPT.

If love is all of this, I can tell you that saying 'I love you' isn't mad basic.

When I got to understand all that about love, it changed my orientation. Now, I can say a billion 'I love yous' in a day to human, knowing the weight that love carries, knowing the truth those words carry, and finally, knowing that all I am trying to convey is totally understood.

Doesn't mean I don't find other ways to express how I feel.

I hope you learn to love with your actions, so that when you tell someone how much you love them, it wouldn't be something basic or trivial.

Much love,


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