LIFE UPDATE ( Turning 23 and stuff)

I didn't know that time had really flown until I checked my blog on Wednesday and saw that the last time I wrote was in February. I actually missed writing here. Plus for those of you who missed reading, I'm sorry I just disappeared. 

In this post, I wrote about how I felt frustrated about not doing anything with my life at that point, well, that has changed. That period wasn't it at all. I knew it would only last a while, but that 'while' felt like years.

This was how it all changed.

I was home as usual, when someone sent me a picture of  an NGO's advertisement. They had a business training for start-up owners. Seemed great. After all, I had a business idea, (which was about to become a reality) and I was really tired of being at home. I planned to go for a day, get a feel of it, and if I didn't enjoy it, never return. 

I got there quite... kidding, super early. The training was scheduled to start at 9a.m but we got thereat 7:30a.m; we being me and my dad. We didn't know the place, plus we are early comers in our family, well, me and my parents. I enjoyed the first day a lot, and I kept going until the end of the week. For everyday I went, I got there super early, and on one of those days, I was randomly talking with the team lead/ organiser of the training.

 For someone who is weirded out by talking with people I don't know too well, I was incredibly chatty. She asked me what it was that I did, I told her I was doing nothing much except writing for my blog. She asked if I had tried volunteering for people, I told her I had sent in applications and there was no reply. She really sympathized with me, and said they needed a writer and that she'd get back to me the next week. I went back to her, she said she'd really like me to work with them, but there were some constraints,and that she'll check back with the board. She didn't get back to me for like five days , I think, but I understood. I didn't feel dejected or anything, I had already told human that I didn't want to have any false expectation, and stuff. I said something along the lines of  'guess who wouldn't be working there cos she wasn't called back.'

To cut the long story short, she eventually texted and asked me when I would like to start. That's how it went. So, yeah, I'm a volunteer at Kyusa, basically doing what I love to do. Who would have thought?

Meanwhileee, while all of that was going on, baby girl here was making boss moves. I started my business, Oil Haven.

At Oil Haven, we are big on natural living and making skin and hair care products as chemical free as possible, which is why we make 100% natural oils. So far, we have Heat extracted virgin coconut oil, cold pressed coconut oil, carrot infused oil, (no heat applied) and avocado oil. As time goes on we'll increase the products we have on offer. We're after living life as naturally as possible and we're concerned about the overall health of our customers. We love you 💚💚 Stop by our page, and stay a while. 

The training helped me put things in perspective, and I am super thankful for God who was always working behind the scenes.

You know how God places people in your life to help you move forward in this life? I am crazy grateful to God for my best friend and LOML. Right from Fifi's Diary to Oil Haven, this human's being there. 

I guess I may have to write once a week for now. What do you think? OH MY!! I forgot to add that I turned 23 in March. It was just another day.

Fun fact: I didn't come up with the name of this blog, 'Fifi's Diary'. LOML did. 

Much Love,


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