A Note To a High and Mighty Christian

Time: Sometime this morning

Oh dear Christian,
You think too highly of yourself,
Acting all high and mighty,
Forgetting it was grace that saved you.

You think you were deserving?
He looked on you with mercy,
And considered you worthy,
Even when you thought yourself unworthy.

Now, you are saved,
You look down on every unsaved person
Thinking you are better,
After all, you are God's beloved.
You err.

Have you forgotten what the Holy Book said,
About love?
About pride?
About grace?
About kindness?

You seem to have forgotten
The meaning of grace so soon.
Unmerited favor,
That is grace.

The Bible also says,
He that thinks he stands,
Let him take heed, lest he falls.

You may soon fall from your high and mighty,
Then, you will remember Grace.
And you will see the beauty of love.

In my Christian journey, I keep learning about Kindness (something I never thought much about until quite recently). I used to be such a judge, feeling some level of authority, (and it was not the authority that Jesus gave me to perform miracles and stuff like that) forgetting I was a mess myself.

I always saw the spec in people's eyes and felt the need to poke at it. Of course, God does not like evil acts, and he doesn't want us to find ourselves repeatedly doing evil things or condoning them, yet, we do stupid things, make horrific mistakes, and commit ugly sins, and he forgives us.

Why do we then think we are better than unbelievers? Why do we forget it is the mercy of God that has brought us to where we are? Why do we act as though we are ungrateful? Because, quite frankly, only ungrateful people forget they were saved or helped by someone when they could not help themselves. Grateful people, on the other hand, always remember what it felt like to be helpless, and this consciousness helps them to be compassionate towards others. Remember the story of the unforgiving servant?  For some reason, he quickly forgot the mercy that was shown to him.

If we put at the forefront of our minds, the fact that we are only saved by God's grace and his infinite mercy, we'll be humbled, and we'll learn to love as we truly should; learning from God, who as pure as he is didn't look down on us with hatred. Jesus, as blameless as he is, chose to die for the sins of EVERYBODY, including yours.

Let's come down from our high horses, and be kind people. And every time we feel the urge to judge, I suggest we pray for the person, and ourselves.

Much love,


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