Amazing uses of coconut oil.

Feeling: Really Happy
Time: 3:57 p.m

So everyone is crazy about coconut oil. They've seen the wonders it does to the skin, hair and body ( ingestion wise.) I really love coconut oil, cause of the things i know can be done with it. Unfortunately, we ave so many fake products. I saw one yesterday, looked like antiseptic. However, there are really original ones. You'll know from the heavenly smell. So, I checked the Internet to get benefits of coconut oil, which I'll really like to share with you. So, let's dive right in babies!!!!

Benefits of coconut oil.

* FASTER growth!! Okay, I  really don't know how true this cos my hair is already full, but other people have testified to the validity of this point.

* You see, the hair needs fat, but not just any kind of fat. HEALTHY FAT, and trust me, it gives your hair fat.

* It prevents SPLIT ENDS. This isn't a lie. For a while now (a really long while) I haven't been using coconut oil, and to my shock and utmost disappointment, I found out my hair has split ends. I wanted to cry, but that would be worked on.

* It moisturizes the hair. Hands down. No lie.

* The hair needs protein, and coconut oil is one great way to get that into your hair.

For more info about how to take care of your natural hair, I talked about it here .

The beautiful thing about coconut oil is that it doesn't stop at hair care. It goes further. Body and food!!

* Not tested this, but I found out it curbs hunger. So, for y'all that are tired of wolfing down food, you might try out this idea, be sure to tell me if it works.

* I also read that it's good for your heart cause of something that's called MCT- saturated fat that's found in coconut.

* To my makeup peeps , this coconut oil is a great make up remover.

* Did you know you could use this to also make your teeth whiter? It's called oil pulling. You swish the oil around your mouth, and it pulls off the dirt!!!

* Hello masseurs, this beautiful oil has some soothing stuff in it, so if you feel aches, and you need oils, try out coconut oil.

I'm sure there are billions of uses, these are just a few. Invest in it, a little won't harm you.

Have a great day ahead!!


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