#NYSCDiaries plus important note to All PCMs

Feeling : Quite Unhappy
Time: 7:08 a.m

Hullo, how've you all been? Me? I've been okay too. I know you want to know why I'm feeling unhappy. Well, it's because I've not been able to write much. I was posted to Tsaragi in Kwara, and for like four days there was no light. Man!! I wasn't cool with it, but it's been fixed, I hope I'll be able to write more.

So, the last time I think I told you that I was going to tell you guys about my activities on camp and general living (I'm not too sure, okay, just confirmed from the blogger app which became useful for once.) So, I think I wrote out my schedule here the last time. That's what we were supposed to be doing all the time, (Yaaay!!! there's light!!) but Ore and I had a different schedule.

We never had breakfast. It was quite disgusting to us. Bread ( we tasted it once, it was like cardboard) and hot water (this was supposed to be hot chocolate bahahahaha) or some awful looking porridge. Instead we always got food or snacks from the maami market or have cereal, we'd then go ahead to charge our phones. We were not allowed to charge in the rooms there were no sockets, so we charged in the market for #50. Each platoon had their stand so it wasn't all too rowdy. After breakfast, I always slept ( I'm such a faithful sleeper), then the beagle would sound, for SAED lectures. There was a day we tried to escape it , we hid in the toilet for quite a while, gross, but I did it and I can tick that off my list (CHECK). All the other times, we slept in the hall (I majorly did the sleeping) Ore was always watching, while Joy was always always with her phone. Yeah yeah, I took a picnic mat from home. *rollseyes, say whatever. After that was lunch. We kinda ate their lunch, It wasn't amazing, but it was manageable.

After all that was evening parade, but guess what, we never joined . The three of us were in the band. This was the highlight of our stay on camp, it was crazy fun. Well, my kind of fun. The fact that I learnt stuff and learnt with those girls was amazing. We also saw a lot in that band, all sorts of couples, we just used to laugh at those really loose girls. My GOD!! I'm even smiling as I'm writing this. Girls that will literally rub their bodies on guys. Boyyy was I continually grossed out. Okay, I've been contemplating on whether I should say this or not, I guess I have to. If you are a prospective corp member, please I beg you, WEAR TIGHTS UNDER YOUR SHORTS!!! Nobody wants to see the color of your underwear man! Jeez!!  The three of us would always be so mad at these people. Although there were some girls that actually did this deliberately to seduce guys. Imagine. Iranu oshi. (Trans: Stupid rubbish)

Boys, I'm coming for you as well, please and please don't wear colored boxers!!! Oh my Gosh! We saw fine guys wearing Dora the explorer boxers. No kidding!! I'm telling you o. All sorts of animated boxers. Simply buy or wear black or maybe white, but black is the best. Better take heed o, there'll be girls like the three of us in that camp who'll be grossed out.

Now, to the general living aspect, Food was just bland. Manageable but bland. Oh and we used to have crazy queues at first, later we all got to queue according to our various platoons. Water was HORRIBLE. My face was a mess during and after camp. Although, there was a place we could go get clean water, but it was really far, okay, not really, but quite. Err what else? Ore was the best can you believe she washed our clothes?? Yeah can you believe? I hate washing clothes  my hands itch badly and turn red.(There are so many things I really don't like doing o, okay not so much, I just don't like anything that has to do with laundry) So she never allowed me to wash. I only rinsed (not even all the
 time). Y'all need an Ore in your lives.
During the nightly activities, Ore and I were usually gisting, I used to sleep really early. My 7hrs of sleep was really important to me.

Lest I forget, THE ROOMS!!!  They were actually called cubicles (to show you how small they were. Each cubicle had 7 bunks, which means we were 14 in a room. Thank GOD I was directly under the fan.

Okay guys, I think I’ve talked enough. Next time, we’ll see how I received my posting letter gracefully (LOL I’m lying) Catch you guys lateeerrr.



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