CO LIVING and people's perspectives!!

Feeling:  Energetic and hungry
Time: 9:21a.m.

Today’s post is giving me goosebumps, because I’m so excited!!! It’s a featured post!!! In this age, CO LIVING doesn’t seem to be a new thing, it’s like everybody is into  it. It’s like a norm. I really didn’t want this post to seem subjective, so I asked not one, but many people this question, 'what do you think of co living. Like a guy and a girl are dating, but they live together. What’s your take on it, and why do you think they do it?'

So, let’s hear from teens, singles (by singles, I don’t mean not in a relationship) and married peeps what they have to say concerning this issue. *rubs hands dramatically.
Single ladies first.

 “It’s wrong. What’s wrong is wrong. I feel like a girl might lose her dignity and value that way. ”
Fifi : Okay, what if they have plans to get married? After all, they’ll still live together when they get married. They might as well just start it yeah?
Ore: It is still wrong, life is full of uncertainties, what if they don’t end up together? And even if they do, I feel like the excitement of marriage and Joy that brings it from the scratch will not be there again, those type of people shouldn’t do honeymoon again sef. There is no genuine reason for this, I think it’s for the fun of it, but some people think it’s to know their partner better.
“it’s not safe, not even good. Are they married? No. ”
Fifi:  Well, they are going to get married. It doesn’t seem wrong to them, after all, they’ll know what marriage is like early.
Tolu: Yes, they are going to get married but they can still visit and sleep over at each other’s place, but not living the married life when you’re not married.

“You gave me something to think about this evening. Errm I don’t think it’s right cause, talking from the Christian point of view, even if the girl and the boy are Christians and they say they can stay together and there’ll be nothing, there’ll be temptations along the line. For God’s sake they are dating, even if at the beginning, they try to resist, there’s a huge possibility that that eventually, they would fall into temptation, but who cares about what I think? People are doing it. It’s like a norm right now, but personally, I don’t think it’s right sha. I honestly don’t know why they do it. Maybe it’s to know each other better and to see how they can cope if they eventually get married. Some is just for constant smashing🤦 (this made me laugh).

Single guys

“I’m neutral, I’m not in favor sha, but it can be fun. I think people do this for companionship, sex, some say they learn to live with and be responsible for others.”

“TBH, it’s not safe at all, at first, you’d be thinking “we won’t do anything.” It’s just one day, it will start. So, it’s not good, even when most relationships today are based on sex, it’s just bad. If you understand Yoruba,"Ategun buruku ah kan fe" (when bad air blows, anything can happen.) I believe it’s done for different reasons, but lust most times.

It's not proper and it's not improper it depends on your moral background and what you feel is right which should be more inclined to what you think God wants. Living together in itself is not wrong but sex would be 100% involved it can't be escaped and if you can't control yourself or something you shouldn't try it, but if you and your partner and your family don't really see anything wrong then by all means. Body no be firewood. I stress again living together=sex

But it's also a good opportunity to know the person better; his/her likes and dislikes tolerance limits and so on. It all depends on your motive for living with the person in the first place it is important to also add that both of you must be having serious plans to get married.

Married peeps

“In a generation where people are all about their space, sometimes, living together helps you put away each other’s differences. If you’re dating someone, it’s quite different from when you’re living together, you learn to learn their habits, some people date for like eight years, and as soon as they get married, their marriage collapses, cos they don’t know how to be in each other’s space, but it’s not a necessity to do it. I think more people are doing it now, just cause we live in a more selfish society where people have to learn to compromise better.”  I lived with kay on weekends when we were engaged and bought a place together.


Based on Christianity, it's kind of wrong ,it leads to sex and different kinds of things, but then, on a neutral level, I wouldn't even advise it,cos you guys start performing the duties of husband and wife. When you move in, you see it all. It becomes boring.
I wouldn't want my daughter to live with a guy. I've seen the good ones (lived together for 8 years and made it legal.) If you find out the girls probably dirty, you try to manage it cos you're married, but the gf/bf thing, there's nothing holding you together, so you believe you don't have to cope.

Some do it to save cost. Rent wise. It's more reasonable, but if you're doing it for the fun of it, for sex, wanting to see each other everyday...Nah. Even if you are engaged, you can stay on weekends, visit each other, but living together? It's a no no.


“That’s wrong, they are dating not married.💁 Why should they be living together?  Things would definitely go down😂.
Fifi: Well, they are going to get married. It doesn’t seem wrong to them; after all, they’ll know what marriage is like early.
Anna: It depends sha, on if the person is a sound Christian or not. As a Christian, she wouldn’t want to engage herself in sex before marriage, and if she is living with her boyfriend before marriage, no way no how, they would get intimate. I think they do this because they think it would make them know whether they are going to be able to live together when they’re married.

Anonymous ( she literally plead to be anonymous tehehe)

Well, me ,I don’t think it’s right o, because even if they don’t have ulterior motives, something they don’t think or want to happen could happen. They don’t have to live together to learn things about marriage, they’re dating it doesn’t mean they’re going to marry.
Fifi: What if they get married?
A: Good for them, but they can as well learn about marriage without necessarily living together.

She was too lazy to think about why they people do this lol.  

So people wanted to know my take on this, and I told them I'll put it up here.

I can't live with someone I'm in love with and not married to and not be tempted to have sex with the person. (we are humans who have 'feelings' for each other.) The temptation/ urge will probably be too much for me, and I wouldn't be able to withstand it cause I put myself in such a position. I might tell myself " I won't blah blah, God's my strength and all" but... So I'd just stick with seeing him everyday . It's just for the purpose of purity and being holy.
Plus, I'd like my relationship to reach out to people, and that won't help.
Not like if I see him everyday there won't be err temptations and all, but at least there's a higher chance of proper management.
I learnt stuff from y'all, thanks.

Y'all that helped make this post possible, I love you. Thank you so much. I hope everyone enjoys reading this. I thoroughly had fun getting to know people's opinions.

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