Arms wide open; embracing visitors

Feeling: Really sleepy 
Time: 12:12a.m

One thing that makes me really uncomfortable is visiting people. It's a huge chore for me, I'd rather stay in my room all day with my phone and note pads, a book to read and loads of junk. I could be indoors for a whole week. I dunno if this is an entirely bad thing, but I really love my space which makes it hard for me to be the best host. This one, I know is not really cool. I remember when I was at home, and my parents told us we were going to have  a guest. I was the only one that had a problem with it. We had to move to the boys' room temporarily (Dang!)  I'd do extra and earlier cooking (noo) I would not have mom to myself anymore (maddening). I probably just don't like all the hustle and bustle that comes along with having a guest.

Being kind doesn't necessarily mean giving people physical stuff, giving people your time could be a form of kindness. In this area, I could be  very selfish, especially when I don't know you too well. I believe I should change. I actually asked myself, "why do I need to change? " I received an answer. Daily we want to be like Jesus yeah? Why not embrace this in its entirety. After all Jesus hosted 5k plus people and used the opportunity to preach to them. So, why's hosting three people so tasking?

P. S what if I become a pastor's wife?

I really don't have to wait till I'm the pastor's wife. I should have a open heart, like my mom does (mom's so free and kind, anyone's welcome to our home) it takes a great deal of love. It's one thing I continually ask God to help me with, and I hope I learn.

Asides that, I think it's a culture that should be imbibed.

However, there are some people that just never like staying at home. That's the height. While it's okay to check on people, it should be done in moderation.
You should consider the fact that people need their alone time. You need your alone time. Unfortunately for me, I'm currently in this position. Like I said earlier, I'm not the biggest fan of visitors, recently, a fellow Corp member asked to use my laptop since his is faulty,  I really wanted to say no and give some polite excuse, I ended up saying he could use it.

Well, I wish I could take that back cos he doesn't seem to understand that humans need their space (and TBH I can't be cooking for somebody just like that. Yesterday, he asked if I had anything he could eat, in my mind I'm like "what is all this? " but I said, "would you lick Milo?"😂😂😂 I'm such a bad host. I eventually gave him cereal, but that's so the last time.) plus I'm not even free in my own room. He's here everyday. I seriously can't wait for him to be done with the laptop. I'll do a really happy dance that day.

Summary, put people into consideration and if you're like me, try to embrace people. Kindness is a big deal to Jesus.

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what’s coming to you in this kingdom. It’s been ready for you since the world’s foundation. And here’s why: I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me. Matthew 25:34‭-‬36 MSG

Have a lovely day, and be kind today.


  1. Very relatable. Well I think I kinda used to have this issue, but as years grew by I found myself opening up more to hosting and receiving people. It became a conscious thing for me to do. I learnt to do this from a friend. However am still learning. Overall I think my reception of people is also enhanced or reduced by the person themselves.

  2. Lol exactly! if I love you, I'd want to spend forever, but if I really don't, it's a chore.

    Thanks for contributing dear.


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