Fun games for bonding with your partner.

Feeling : Hungry
Time: 11:05 am

I think games are a great way to spice up your relationship. I'm all for games!

One of my YouTube faves

I'm not necessarily a competitive person, I just think it's fun, plus it's a great way to bond with your partner. So, if you are not in the mood for a dinner date, an evening out, or even just watching TV and you want to do something, having a game night would be a great substitute.

It doesn't necessarily have to be at night lol, could be whenever you want. I often spend quite some time looking for games on the internet, I'm that deep. I'll let you in on some of them.

Would you rather: In this game there are two options one is allowed to choose an answer  from.  I even think it's called this or that. Nah, it's not, it's just very similar. So, one person asks the other if (s)he would rather choose this option or another option, then the receiver of the question, chooses an answer.   

An example: Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?

I have a twist to the game though, I think it's more fun when your partner guesses what you'd choose, and vice versa. It makes it a lot more interactive and interesting, you could even ask why the other person would think you'd choose the answer.

This or that: Like I said earlier, it's quite similar to 'would you rather', but there's not much thinking involved. It's played the same way 'would you rather' is played. 

An example: 'Coffee or tea?' Or 'A B'n'B or an Hotel?'

I gave this one the same twist I gave 'would you rather', where both involved would guess the other's answer. 

Who is more likely to? : This is one that's usually played by couples during their receptions. Who says you have to wait till then?  In this one, a question is asked, and  the couple chooses the person (between them) who's most likely to do whatever is asked. 

An example: 'Who is more likely to talk to strangers?' Or 'Who's more likely to spend the most on shopping?'

My siblings and I used to play this one, and it's a perfect one too.

I spy : One person sees something, and (s)he expects the other person to guess by saying the first and last letter of the name of the thing. 

An example: I see a bottle of oil (😂😂😂 I'm laughing cos I remembered the time I did this with human, and he was shocked I got the answer) and I go 'I spy with my little eye, something that begins with an 'o' and ends with a 'l'. 

If the person gets it right, a point is awarded. 

There's this one I'm trying out soon. It's a game I have always played in my head since I was really young, and when my siblings are interested (which is almost never), we get it going. I was reminded of it today, on YouTube, and I wished I trademarked it or something lol. 

I don't think it has a name, but one person mentions a word, and they both have to come up with a song that has that word Mentioned in it, anyone that can't come up with a song loses a point.

There are loads of games you can play with your partner; cards, scrabble, chess and so on.  You could even both download the same game and play differently.

These are all great ways to bond with your partner, plus you get to know more about him or her.

Oh there's this last one I do.  I won't call it a game though, we came up with it and it's a really fun thing to do. All you and your partner have to do is tell each other  random facts about yourselves.

An example : Random fact: I don't like beans. 

And any other random fact about yourself you remember during the week, you let the other person know.

The beautiful thing about most of these games is that if you're in an LDR, they're so perfect! 

If you know of any fun games you play with your partner that is unique to you guys, I'd love to know.  Thank you.

Much love, 


  1. Well, the photo you used is the one of married couples. I am not married yet. Are you sure those games are for someone like me?

    1. First off, I'm sorry I'm just seeing this! Yeah, absolutely. You don't have to be married before you have fun with babe .


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