
Showing posts from September, 2018

Some Kinna delicious sweet potato meal. RECIPE!

Feeling: cuddly  Time: 7:57am The last time I made this, my brother called it Fifi's casserole (well, that's cos I made it in the oven). Now that I made it in a pan, I wonder what he'd call it.   I feel like this meal had already existed before I thought about it; like I wasn't the first to think it up, well, that's okay I guess. The first time I made this was during my service year, I was super tired of eating the same old meals and I felt like whipping up something new. That's one thing about me; I think about things I've never eaten before, make them a reality; sometimes, good, sometimes, not so good. (I made some kind of toast in a pan the other day, I had it with ketchup. Yeah, bread and ketchup. My brothers were sneering at it, I told them they had to taste it, they did, and made a whole batch for themselves.) So let me show you how I made this quick, super easy and delicious food. It probably takes 40 minutes or less than. Peeling the pota...

On relationship goals...

Feeling : Energized Time: 7:03am There are so many lovely pictures of couples looking cute, wearing matching outfits, doing cool things and stuff... I'm even one to go 'awwn' but one thing I never say under those pictures or to myself is '#relationshipgoals'. I'm no hater I admire cute things, but never will I see someone's relationship and call it #goals. There are things that may be worthy of emulation, no disputing, but I think making other people's relationships your own goal, or saying 'goals' for goals sake is a little bit extreme  for three reasons.  They are two individuals entirely different from you. So that what works for them may not work for you . You don't necessarily know what's behind all the glitz and glamour . You may not be ready to put in all the work those people are putting to make their relationship work. You probably can tell by now that I cringe a bit when I see the under the comment section 'r...

On good underwears and confidence...

Feeling: A slight headache, probably hunger Time: 10:34am This is something that's been on my mind, for about three months ish, it's not something I'd normally share with everyone, maybe cos ... Oh well,  but then, I saw something sometime ago; a meme perhaps, that talked about a lady being low-key mad at her man because it's on the days she decides to wear not so cute underwear that he decides to do stuff with her. Blue's not my favorite color. It made me laugh. I low-key wish this was an ad, but it's not lol. I think good underwear helps with confidence. I dunno if men feel the same way, I guess they should.  I'm not even talking about designer stuff, just really really good underwear that fulfils it's purpose and helps you look good. Many ladies don't care much for what's underneath their outfits, after all , no one can see.  Lol it reminds me of one thing one of my brothers told me, he said, "people actually dress up for ...

On dark tunnels and periods of uncertainty...

Feeling: Better than I was last week. Time: 6:47am. I'm not sure if you remember quite well, but, sometime last week I said I was feeling bland, and I said I'd try to explain it. You see, as time went on I discovered 'bland' was a very not-so-perfect way to describe how I felt. I was super unhappy, I couldn't just put a pin to the feeling at the time. Oh, not to worry,  I'm super... okay maybe not super fine, but I'm fine. Maybe I'm super fine. So, like I said last week was not the best. I cried a lot. It's one of the ways I know how to get pressure off me. I'd burst if I don't cry. (You'll rather see me cry than burst hmn?) One of the saddest things in life is knowing your purpose in life and not knowing how to get about it. How to kick-start it. How to give it a little nudge. I'm kinda at that stage. I have never liked the idea of a graduate sitting at home and doing nothing. It irks me. Annoys me. Pisses me off. It...

On favorite and not so favorite chores...

Feeling: Fresh Time: 1:20pm (EAT ) I love a clean home. I think everyone loves a clean home, but not everyone likes the stress that comes with it. Weirdly, I do. I don't consider it stressful. I mean, it's for my home? My sister made a joke some days or weeks back, she said she believes that my purpose in this life is to be a housewife, because she doesn't understand why I'm so particular about cleaning a house, or having a  clean room. She keeps saying my husband would enjoy (she doesn't plan on getting married lol). On washing clothes. Saturdays are basically cleaning days in many households, dunno about the world, but I'm sure about Nigeria.  I used to hate Saturdays as a kid, because it meant clothes day (the day we spread clothes,  our daddy used to wash all our clothes), boy do I dislike anything that has to do with clothes except wearing them. My laundry bag is full, I have begged my sister to help me wash some, hopefully, she'll help, if not....

On standing up for ourselves

Feeling: *No words Time: 2:56 p.m I used to be a huge fan of tennis, but I lost interest in sports generally. However, watching the US Open finals reignited my love for tennis. Let's see how long it lasts. This post isn't really about the commotion that went on in the US Open. Not about women's rights or anything.  Just a simple thing I brought out of the whole thing; Stand up for yourself . Be bold. Be confident. People would walk over you, cheat you, it's left for you to fight for yourself to be heard. I had goosebumps watching Serena talk to the umpire. It's why I admire freedom fighters, they won't be silenced. Here's to learning how to stand up for ourselves, when people would otherwise have us shut up. Much love,  Fifi.  P.S. I have decided to write at least twice in a week, no particular days for now. 

On being a foodie. Plus a recipe

Feeling : Bland (I'll explain in another post)  Time: 5:27p.m (EAT)  There's a different topic that's coming into my head, but I'll write that later. I guess I should just stick with this one. I like food. I like cooking. I like good food. I don't like repetition when it comes to food. (mom doesn't mind us eating swallows everyday). I'm not the greatest fan of eateries. Not to say I'm a glutton or anything. I eat small portions of food. I like to think outside the box when I think about food. I like being creative, I like cooking for people and seeing the look of satisfaction on their faces. The kitchen is my favorite part of any house asides my room.  (By God's grace, when I'm married I'll have a really really beautiful kitchen.) I don't cook super nicely all the time. I make mistakes. The other day I made oily cookies, human said it looked like akara (I'm still going to revenge). Also I made akara; one batch was sa...

On understanding identity and loving culture

Feeling: Blehhhh Time 9:24am (EAT) TBH,  I'm not one that's really crazy about identity or heritage. I'm a Yoruba girl. The average Yoruba girl; I speak basic Yoruba, you can't really sell me, I like amala, it's my best 'okele', I find it awkward going down on both knees to greet an adult because I just say 'good morning daddy' or 'good morning mommy' to my parents, and get in with the day. I didn't even know Fifeoluwahan was my first name, till the day we went to an hospital and my dad and I were looking for my file all about the place (we found out later that he used my English name as my first name).  I was probably 11 years old, and since then, they started addressing me as 'Fifehan'. Yeah that's about my Yorubaness, and you know what? I think it's not enough. It's not like I'm ashamed to be a Yoruba girl, I'm not proud either. I mean, I'm just there, just a person, and I don't think I shou...