On favorite and not so favorite chores...

Feeling: Fresh
Time: 1:20pm (EAT)

I love a clean home. I think everyone loves a clean home, but not everyone likes the stress that comes with it. Weirdly, I do. I don't consider it stressful. I mean, it's for my home? My sister made a joke some days or weeks back, she said she believes that my purpose in this life is to be a housewife, because she doesn't understand why I'm so particular about cleaning a house, or having a  clean room. She keeps saying my husband would enjoy (she doesn't plan on getting married lol).

On washing clothes.

Saturdays are basically cleaning days in many households, dunno about the world, but I'm sure about Nigeria.  I used to hate Saturdays as a kid, because it meant clothes day (the day we spread clothes,  our daddy used to wash all our clothes), boy do I dislike anything that has to do with clothes except wearing them. My laundry bag is full, I have begged my sister to help me wash some, hopefully, she'll help, if not...
I've been mentally preparing myself to wash it though.

On washing dishes 

I'm not sure if I have mentioned it here, but my favorite place in a home is the kitchen, the bedroom comes next, and my favorite chore in the world is dish washing. I love washing plates.  There's some kind of feeling I get from doing that. I  dunno how to perfectly describe it, but I love it. Would it be too much to say there's some peace I get from clearing up the sink?  Lol might be too much, but it's one of the ways I get my thoughts together. I just let my mind roam, see where it takes me, yunno? You probably don't get because you hate washing plates.

On Bathrooms. 

I personally believe bathrooms should be washed everyday, and if that's not possible 5 days out of 7 days.  It's easier because there'll be no tough stains. Me and my siblings share a bathroom, and I have my ways of making them wash it.  We take turns, and sometimes when it's someone's turn, I just pour detergent all over the place, they'll be mad, but they'll wash it,  other days I beg the heck out of them (to wash the bathroom we all use).

On bedrooms.

As much as the bedroom is my second favorite room in the house, I  surprisingly don't do much. I sweep it about twice a week,  beg my sister (we share the room) to sweep at least once.  Then, I mop the floor on weekends. If it needs some extra mopping during the week, I'd mop.

I hate leaving the house without my bed being made. I like it because... I dunno, it just feels good to come back home to a neatly laid bed, and I feel like the bed is the centre piece of a bedroom, so that if the room isn't super neat, a neatly laid bed gives the illusion of a neat room. You dig?

I personally don't believe in having maids. I don't want one when I'm married, maybe having a cleaning lady thoroughly clean the home once in three weeks isn't bad, but I'd rather we do the thorough cleaning ourselves (me and my husband)  once a month.

What's your favorite house chore? I'd like to know.

Much love, 


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