On good underwears and confidence...

Feeling: A slight headache, probably hunger
Time: 10:34am

This is something that's been on my mind, for about three months ish, it's not something I'd normally share with everyone, maybe cos ... Oh well,  but then, I saw something sometime ago; a meme perhaps, that talked about a lady being low-key mad at her man because it's on the days she decides to wear not so cute underwear that he decides to do stuff with her.

Blue's not my favorite color.
It made me laugh.

I low-key wish this was an ad, but it's not lol.

I think good underwear helps with confidence. I dunno if men feel the same way, I guess they should.  I'm not even talking about designer stuff, just really really good underwear that fulfils it's purpose and helps you look good.

Many ladies don't care much for what's underneath their outfits, after all , no one can see.  Lol it reminds me of one thing one of my brothers told me, he said, "people actually dress up for others, not necessarily for themselves", I think it's true because there's a saying that goes "you are addressed the way you dress."

Okay, if a part of me is dressing to be addressed nicely, the other part, (which should be the major part for me) should be  dressing to boost my confidence.

So, back to underwears, I used to be one of those who really didn't care much about them, after all, nobody's going to see what I'm wearing underneath. I'm glad I changed my mindset. I remember one day I looked at myself in the mirror after I changed my orientation about underwears, and I felt so darn good. I felt like I could conquer the world. I felt the spring in my steps. Yeah,  really good underwears can do that.

BTW, if you're one of those that believe black bras shouldn't be washed often, I advice you to change that mindset. It's the same amount of sweat that goes into that your favorite white bra that goes into your black one. Also, that particular bra that you've been wearing for years which no longer serves it's purpose, please let it go. You'll miss it I know, but just let it go.

Some months ago, maybe last year, me and my (best friend's sister who's my) very good friend were talking about how we'd never buy lingerie or bras worth eighteen thousand naira, it was such a hilarious discussion. I told my best friend about it and he said something along the lines of "it's probably cos of where you are right now, if you earn a lot, it'll be nothing to you." Months later, I thought about it, and I actually agreed. I don't mind investing a lot in good underwear, not majorly because of my husband (husband, because I don't intend to show besfren yet), but because I want to feel good. That eighteen thousand naira is actually small if you think about it, but for now, let me feel good in what I can afford .

So, yeah, as much as you want to 'dress for others' don't forget to dress confidently. For yourself.  Same goes for your underwear, wear it for you, more than any one else. See you next week.

Much love, 


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