On becoming better people and a better nation.

Feeling: Confused (should I go back to bed or not?)

I've been wanting to talk about this for a week. Not necessarily because of our Independence Day, the state of Nigeria is always on my mind.
I very much understand that Nigeria is not where it should be. It feels like we should be at the university level,  but somehow, just somehow we're still in primary six.  Sigh* It's sad. Disheartening, actually. I understand.

We pour out our frustrations a lot, and that's okay, I mean, if no one is complaining, then something is wrong, but we know that sometimes, complaints don't do much, they actually worsen the situation. Especially complaints that aren't backed with the right actions.

I don't fancy it much when everyone sits back and complains on twitter. You're complaining on twitter but aren't doing much in reality to help our nation, or let's even say your community, if that's too large, let's say your neighbor. Not a literal neighbour.

I have come to understand that it's very much easy to complain about people, yunno, to point fingers, even though you aren't much better, even though you are still a work in progress. I do this a lot, maybe not about the government, just people, that keep making the same mistakes over and over again. People I know; but I've got to come to the realization that I'm only human (I sang this lol), and they're human too. A teacher in my Junior secondary school, I think, once told our class that when one points and accusatory finger at another person, the pointer has three fingers facing him or her. Which should remind the accuser, that he's just as bad as the person he's accusing or even worse.

This is not saying you shouldn't point out wrong things, but what is the motive behind pointing out these wrong things. Is it hate? Jealousy?  Anger?  or Love?  If it's all the others except love, there's a big question mark.

As I was writing the earlier paragraph, I just thought that, we are all human beings, there's both good and evil that's wanting to shine, and many times, evil does. One may have good intentions, but somehow, evil just wins. So, you never know, these people up there, some of them may have truly good intentions, but they're surrounded by so much evil, it trumps the good, and let's admit it, such a battle isn't too easy.

Come to think of this, it's easy to say if I were the president, I won't do this or I'll do this, but we'll never know, yunno, at least not until you're the president.

Let's backtrack a bit. When you were the financial secretary or president or chairman or general secretary of a somewhat small organization, in all truthfulness, ask yourself, "how did I fare?"

It's not a question that's accusing you, it's a honest question of you assessing yourself,  so that if you did well, you can continue along that line, and if you didn't, well,  you know you need to get better and do better.

It's why I believe faith is important, by God's grace, it keeps you grounded, because you did well in the past doesn't mean you'll do well as president. It's just life yunno. It's why you shouldn't boast. It's why you need a continually renewed mind. And I know that these things are easier written and said than actually done, but I believe we can, once we consciously work on building character. You see Christians (who are not afraid to shine their lights) are needed in the government. As much as we try to fight it, it's the truth. Imagine having the power to make a difference and running away from what you can change. We need to do better. Politics isn't dirty. It's just politics and even literally speaking, it can't get dirty. It's human beings that aren't so clean. You just bring your light, it's not too small, it can make a difference no matter how little, plus it won't be you alone, so many other Christians would be bringing their lights as well,  just imagine the brilliance. It could be very little. You don't necessarily need to be the president.

I read something from the Humans of New York, he interviewed a man who was badly treated but still showed kindness to random strangers. Prisoners at that. And of course we all went, "what if people could just be as kind as this? Won't the world be a better place? " or "this just melted my heart" of course I thought those things,  but I caught myself and told me something my best friend told me, "you bother with yourself, work on yourself first". Before thinking about other people and their flaws, I should think about mine and how I can be a much better person than I am right now. Such stories shouldn't leave your heart melted for 5 seconds only to have it hard eventually. They should push you, make you want to be a better version of yourself. The fire should be kept burning.

I believe God for Nigeria, I know we can be better, Understanding is key. Pray for your leaders, some have good intentions, all they need is understanding, pray that God grants it to them. Those that have no good intentions, pray that God will change their hearts.

Sometimes, I fantasize that these leaders should be wiped out, it's not an applaudable thought. I'm not God. God gives chances, more than we can count, and if God feels like giving anybody more than hundred chances,  who the heck am I to say no?

Let's just take a minute right now to pray for Nigeria. If you are at a loss for words. Speak in tongues. It's just a minute.  Won't cause any harm.

I'm thankful to God for my country, Nigeria, it's always always going to be my home, I can't wait to get back.

Much love,


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